01 Sep


“All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness Power Action blog publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher or author. Requests to the author should be addressed to mtflseminars@usa.com.” — Copyright 2007, CIPO, USCO Mental Toughness For Life, Coach Franco Cianflone

"We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.” - Charles R. Swindoll

One sees a gold mine and another sees a pile of rubble.

It’s all about perception.

We don’t see with our physical eyes.

We see through our eyes with cells of recognition (pictures) in our brain.

These cells of recognition are similar to files in a filing cabinet.

As soon as your eye is affixed to almost anything, a specific cell of recognition is triggered.

Rather begin to see with an inner eye of understanding and your entire world will change dramatically.

All of a sudden things start showing up!

Why is this?

We are all so different, unique, and special in our own way. That’s what makes life interesting.

It is of no consequence whether you see pink, blue, black, brown, white or whatever.

What’s inside is what really matters.

Can you imagine seeing everyone in your existence with all the same physical features?

Everyone would appear to be identical in every conceivable facet.


No one wants to be cloned.

But who wants to be controlled?

All over the planet people are screaming for independence and freedom from dictatorial forces.

People want to feel free and independent from Big Brother.

However, there is one cardinal law that can never be negotiated.

“You can do whatever you want in life as long as you do not violate the rights of any other human being.”

Darren Hardy expressed the following in one of his Darren Daily segments, “No matter what stage in life you are, play. Chase down your dreams with aggressive pursuit. While the approach might be different, the ambition is the same. You were not designed to play small. You were made for greatness.”

Darren Hardy is right on the money.

You were not designed to play small.

You were made for greatness.

That's why one individual sees a gold mine and another one sees a pile of rubble.

The operative word is act.

You must act and the definition of act is always creating things.

You are in a constant state of creating solutions, alternatives, methodologies, concepts, or anything else that moves you closer towards your chosen goal.

You see, if you're always creating things, you are focusing on what you want instead of what you have.

Don't wait any longer.

Begin right now as waiting is playing it safe.

A great analogy is the remarkable paint.

It's an instant white board on any wall that you choose.

When you're done, simply erase, and start all over again.

You can start anytime and anywhere but you must begin.

Act, as action speaks volumes.

Begin to see your gold mine.


Carpe Momentum

Franco Cianflone


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Mental Toughness For Life


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The advice and strategies contained herein might not be suitable for your situation and do contain risk including the risk of loss. You should always consult with a financial, medical, or legal professional where appropriate before undertaking any action and users of this material assume all risk. Neither the designers, editors, contributors nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to financial, special, incidental, consequential or other damages.