12 Jan

“You should never be satisfied – happy, but not satisfied. Dissatisfaction is a creative state. It took you out of the cave and put you into the condominium. It gave you the wheel, the fax and the furnace. Dissatisfaction gave you and me a lifestyle that is the envy of the world.” – Bob Proctor

Talk is cheap. 

Walk your talk and really do something to change your life right now. 

My Father Francesco Gaetano (1911-1995) would always say when I was growing up, “No one is born learned. It takes years to develop your skills, but don’t take years.” 

In other words, he was saying, carpe momentum. Seize the moment.

Be real.

Be you.

Don’t promise what you clearly know you cannot deliver. 

Under promise and over deliver. 

This has been my unswerving mandate to corporations everywhere regardless of present circumstances. 

Winning is synonymous to the latter and listening and not just hearing is the key.

My beautiful Serafina has a perfect quote for winning in life. “If you promise people the moon, make sure you have a ladder high enough.”

How high is your ladder? 

The height of your ladder is contingent upon your plan for success.

That one thousand piece puzzle has many, individual parts. In order for the puzzle to be complete and accurate all the individual pieces must be cut accurately so they all fit together. 

It begins with a picture that creates more order, less doubt, less fear and less confusion. If one or two pieces are not cut accurately the entire puzzle is thrown into disarray. 

Similarly, life is much the same.

Any goal, aspiration or dream requires a plan. The plan doesn’t have to be perfect as there will be modifications as we journey towards our desired goal.

However, if the initial plan is not solid and cannot stand on its own without constant revisiting, the end result will be flawed.

Coach Franco

Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training

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