26 Jun


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“The people who are crazy to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” – Steve Jobs

Mr. X lived at 42 Status Quo Lane for many years.

He always wanted to move but the little voice of his neighbors in his head were continually nattering, “You’re crazy to move. You’ll see. You’ll be back. Others have already packed up their suitcase and moved back to Status Quo Lane many times. You know it’s comfortable here. Nobody is going to ridicule you here as everyone on Status Quo Lane is on an even keel.

The banter in his head was too much for Mr. X. so one day; he woke up and realized that he could actually do something about his life in order to change it up for the better.

He was actually so frustrated and so tired of the ups and downs in his life and just surmised that life is just like that.

Then one day, he met Mr. Y and realized that he didn’t have to live confined in a box any longer.

Soon thereafter, Mr. X attended a seminar where the concept of the XY syndrome was finally explained to him after all these years.

Mr. Y explained to him that he could have anything that he wanted as long as he changed his thought process and corresponding actions.

He said to Mr. X, “Start erasing the stuff that doesn’t work in your life thus allowing that inner you to appear. Its appearance will manifest into incredible, joyous and Godsome happenings in your life.”

He continued, “The more that you understand this concept, the more that your own personal wants will show up right on schedule.” 

So Mr. X began to dismantle his picket fence mentality that contained the rigid four posts that he had constructed and also restricted him all those years.

The four solid corner posts were fear, security, image, and purpose.

In the old days, anyone that was even remotely thinking about moving his fence caused incredible stress and frustration in his life.

Mr. X always wanted to change something in his life but fear always blocked his path with anxiety, scarcity, and every other debilitating and toxic entity.

The last post to go on the right side of his picket fence was the security post. It took awhile for him to remove this post, as he believed that as long as his picket fence was sturdy, it would provide him with stability and longevity.

After meeting Mr. Y and attending the seminar, Mr. X realized that security does not really exist.

He also realized that security is an idea that is outdated and purposeless as it prevented him all these years from stretching from his picket fence mentality.

Today Mr. X lives at 415 My Way Trail. 

He now understands that he is responsible for his life.

His new neighbor asked Mr. X, “Are you going to build a fence around your new house?”

Mr. X replied, “Oh no. I love the openness and freedom.”

Mr. X is attired (not retired), at the age of 80, lives on one of the islands, and is enjoying his life to the fullest.

Carpe Momentum

Coach Franco Cianflone


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Mental Toughness For Life


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