03 Sep


“All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness Power Action blog publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher or author. Requests to the author should be addressed to mtflseminars@usa.com.” — Copyright 2007, CIPO, USCO Mental Toughness For Life, Coach Franco Cianflone

“The future is purchased by the present” - Samuel Johnson

Be very cognizant of your daily dialogue.

Speak only of what you desire and nothing else.

Do not make light of this as you are purchasing the next page of your life with this daily dialogue.

Do you use a credit card when you make a purchase?

If so, you are deferring the payment for that purchase.

You might say that you are only using a credit card in order to accumulate points, rewards etc.

You might even add the fact that you absolutely always pay it in full with no outstanding balance.

Your daily dialogue works exactly the same way.

Every self-defeating, single word that is uttered purchases the next page in your life.

Actually, the compound effect comes into play with every word.

Compound interest is paid on every single word.

We all talk to ourselves.

If you want to stop the noise and turn it into beautiful music that will truly resonate with your desire, you must reprogram the information that is fed into your personal hard drive daily.

If thought travels 930,000 times faster than the sound of your voice, then we should really pay very close attention to what we say to ourselves.

How does it hear?

Every single word that is uttered from your mouth is heard.

Every time that you say the words can’t or how, they reinforce these words with unbreakable concrete.

We’ve all said it from time to time.

“I can’t finish that on time.”

“I can’t get the money by that date.”

“How am I going to make that happen?”

“How am I going to work out or study or travel or sleep or do just about anything?”

The list goes on and on like a broken record over and over and over again.

Your deeper being hears these messages and brings them into fruition.

How does it do this?

All of these spoken or unspoken words create images that manifest into your reality and sooner or later you do not do what you intended.

Your human personality is designed to manifest whatever is impressed into your glorious mind, good, bad, or indifferent.

You are a walking super computer greater that any machine that has been or not yet invented.

No machine ever can even begin to touch the magnitude and power of the human mind.


Then why are so many great people walking around with such a low level of awareness and self-esteem, when they have this massive, goal setting and powerful entity?

Cultural conditioning?



The only compound interest that you should be earning is from your $$$$$$$.


Carpe Momentum

Franco Cianflone


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Copyright 2020

Mental Toughness For Life Podcast



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