"Rewire your brain & catapult your results in life and business." COPYRIGHT DISCLOSURE “All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness For Life Publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the author.


“All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness Power Action blog publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher or author. Requests to the author should be addressed to mtflseminars@usa.com.” — Copyright 2007, CIPO, USCO Mental Toughness For Life, Coach Franco Cianflone

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” - William Arthur Ward

A grateful, expressive attitude creates positive energy that attracts abundance and wealth regardless of what has happened in the past.

If you want to be, do, or have more of everything, the key to the lock is gratitude. Surround yourself with more people that have this key.

Gratitude opens the funnel of life and unleashes the creative process in each one of us. 

For some, it has been dormant for many years.

We fail to appreciate all the gifts that have been given to us unconditionally.

Essentially, we take them for granted. When this happens many of the present moment gifts go by the boards unnoticed.

However, gifts of gratitude are all around us.

From time to time, we might have uneventful days that are filled with the what if questions.

Suddenly as if from left field someone pops up with a lung machine or other handicap that causes us to wake up and appreciate what we already have in our lives.

The physical eye always triggers perception.

However perception without acute awareness and based solely on conjecture is not sound.

Conversely, the God Power of Gratitude consciousness allows us to receive even more blessings in our lives.

These blessings do appear in the form of disappointments, failures or unfortunate events.

They are in disguise.

Utilizing this spirit of gratitude will create the true blessings without the disguise as the inner eye of understanding supersedes our physical eyes.

It is this God Power of Gratitude consciousness that allows us to receive even more blessings in our lives

A glass filled with dirt and water will remain intact until more clean water is poured into the glass and ultimately the water becomes clearer and clearer.

Gratitude works in the same way.

A more grateful attitude increases the flow of more blessings and the funnel becomes open and flowing with abundance and wealth.

The trick is to live in a spirit of expectation and gratitude most of our 86,400 seconds of each glorious day.

I wrote the song Gratitude in 2018 and the music is a reflection of the words above.

Enjoy, as the best is yet to come.


Think gratitude.

Feel gratitude.

Live gratitude.

Albert Einstein’s quote is a perfect ending to this blog today, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

Carpe Momentum

Franco Cianflone


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All rights reserved

Copyright 2020

Mental Toughness For Life


While the designers, contributors, and author have used their best efforts in preparing these Power Action Blogs, they make no warranty or representation with respect to accuracy or completeness of the contents of this material and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability, finances, personal or medical remedy for a particular purpose. It is further acknowledged that no warranty, of any kind, may be created or extended by any written sales materials or sales representatives.

The advice and strategies contained herein might not be suitable for your situation and do contain risk including the risk of loss. You should always consult with a financial, medical, or legal professional where appropriate before undertaking any action and users of this material assume all risk. Neither the designers, editors, contributors nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to financial, special, incidental, consequential or other damages.




“All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness Power Action blog publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher or author. Requests to the author should be addressed to mtflseminars@usa.com.” — Copyright 2007, CIPO, USCO Mental Toughness For Life, Coach Franco Cianflone

“I've got more important things to think about. I've got a yogurt to finish by today, the expiry date is today.” - Gordon Strachan

Almost everything has an expiry date. As soon as we reach the expiry date, we discard the item.

However, our dreams, goals, and aspirations do not have an expiration date as we are continually creating and moving towards fuller expression and fuller expansion.

This inner eye of understanding allows us to cut through supposed obstacles like a slice of cheese.

Your destination cannot be realized by continually travelling on the perimeter highway or the ring road that is commonly known as the comfort zone.

Ultimately, we all have to cut to the core with decisive action.

Zig Ziglar’s quote sums it up succinctly, “It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action and discipline that enabled us to follow through.”

Many beautiful people live the one foot in and one foot out existence. The problem with this approach is that ultimately the gap between the two feet widen.

As a result, you are thrown out of balance and nothing really works effectively in your life.

Here it is!

The one foot in represents what you know and the one foot out represents what you do.

Knowing and doing are polar opposites.

You have heard this many times.

People don’t care how much you know.

They want to know how much you care.

You demonstrate your ability to care with these words, care, trust, help, listen, observe and serve.

As a result, people will always choose to follow you and your leadership because they want to and not because they have to.

Really care about people by listening and not just hearing.

Be selective, as some people will want to tell you all about their life and how bad it is.

You demonstrate how much you care by listening and encouraging them to persist regardless of present circumstances.

Don’t encourage negativity but rather encourage proactive behavior. Your caring will develop trust and your trust will also enable more listening and real interaction.

Trust is not easily given.

It must be earned and the only way to earn trust is to treat people with respect and provide the necessary information that will enable them to make intelligent proactive decisions.

Full disclosure and due diligence is what it’s all about.

When it becomes habitual, you don’t even think about it.

You just do it!

This knowing doing gap, which prevents people from following through, becomes very, very narrow.

Now, take care of that yogurt and get on with it.

Carpe Momentum

Franco Cianflone


Copyright Disclosure

All rights reserved

Copyright 2020

Mental Toughness For Life


While the designers, contributors, and author have used their best efforts in preparing these Power Action Blogs, they make no warranty or representation with respect to accuracy or completeness of the contents of this material and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability, finances, personal or medical remedy for a particular purpose. It is further acknowledged that no warranty, of any kind, may be created or extended by any written sales materials or sales representatives.

The advice and strategies contained herein might not be suitable for your situation and do contain risk including the risk of loss. You should always consult with a financial, medical, or legal professional where appropriate before undertaking any action and users of this material assume all risk. Neither the designers, editors, contributors nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to financial, special, incidental, consequential or other damages.



“All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness Power Action blog publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher or author. Requests to the author should be addressed to mtflseminars@usa.com.” — Copyright 2007, CIPO, USCO Mental Toughness For Life, Coach Franco Cianflone

“If Rosa Parks had taken a poll before she sat down in the bus in Montgomery, she'd still be standing” - Mary Frances Berry

You decide who gets to ride on your bus and nobody else. Also, these people need to be invited on your bus and not simply take the ride for granted.

In simple terms, teach people how you want to be treated. Rosa Parks did, on December 1, 1955 and the rest is history.

She was 42 years of age at the time and 42 years was already too long for fear to control her decisive moment.

In her own words, “I have learned over the years that when one's mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear.”

In order to move forward towards freedom, you must begin to teach people how you want to be treated.

It’s called terms of engagement.

This is a must.

You must do this from the onset as no one can read your mind.

No one!

Be real and tell people who you really are from the very beginning. You don’t have to be rude, intolerant, or stubborn but you must begin to teach people how you want to be treated.

No one can read your mind.

Eggshells are everywhere.

You might have to step on a few in order for people to understand where you’re coming from when you interact with them.

Embrace fear with courage

Courage is acting in the face of fear. 

Courage is absolutely essential if a person wants to realize their dreams and live in freedom. 

There’s a whole big wide world of magnificence out there and you can have it but you must believe in yourself and persevere.

Taylor Benson said, "It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light." 

Believe in yourself.

Decide what type of light bulb that you are.

Are you a 25-watt, 40-watt, 60-watt, 100-watt, or 150-watt?

The amount of light that you emit form your energy field will determine all of your results.

If you want better results now.

Go to the source.

Thought energy travels just under 300,000 km/s.


Think, feel, and act your way towards the 3% freeway of freedom.

Some people have ambition, desire and drive. However, these ingredients alone will not do the trick.

Change only occurs when you alter your belief system.

Are you ready, willing, and able to eradicate old entrenched ideas in favor of a new idea that has the potential of creating a brand new life with all types of possibilities?

Rosa Parks was ready.

Rosa Park’s decisive moment was the beginning of change.

You can’t prepare for that moment but when it shows up, you can also be the catalyst for positive, proactive forward movement change.

Carpe Momentum

Franco Cianflone


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All rights reserved

Copyright 2020

Mental Toughness For Life


While the designers, contributors, and author have used their best efforts in preparing these Power Action Blogs, they make no warranty or representation with respect to accuracy or completeness of the contents of this material and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability, finances, personal or medical remedy for a particular purpose. It is further acknowledged that no warranty, of any kind, may be created or extended by any written sales materials or sales representatives.

The advice and strategies contained herein might not be suitable for your situation and do contain risk including the risk of loss. You should always consult with a financial, medical, or legal professional where appropriate before undertaking any action and users of this material assume all risk. Neither the designers, editors, contributors nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to financial, special, incidental, consequential or other damages.


“All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness Power Action blog publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher or author. Requests to the author should be addressed to mtflseminars@usa.com.” — Copyright 2007, CIPO, USCO Mental Toughness For Life, Coach Franco Cianflone

“There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.” - Ken Olson 1977 (President/Founder of Digital Equipment Corp.)

Careful what comes out of your mouth as it might return and bite you in the . . .

Technology is zipping by in nanoseconds.

What might seem to be logical and rational in one second would transform into the absolute opposite in the next second.

All of us have a program that is embedded in our core and therefore produces our current results.

This program has the ability to stagnate or liberate and catapult our results beyond recognition in all areas.

Understanding the enormous power of this program and your ability to change it unleashes the secret to success.

George Bernard Shaw said, “The possibilities are numerous once we decide to act and not react.”

You’re on stage 24/7.

Being authentic and transparent allows you to attract everything that you want.

Ultimately, you become an incredible electromagnetic field.

Decision time!

React or respond?

Control or not in control?

The choice is yours.

Are you one of those fantastic individuals that thinks out of the box?

Dictionary.com, describes fantastically as conceived or appearing as if conceived by an unrestrained imagination, odd and remarkable, bizarre, grotesque, fanciful or capricious, as persons or their ideas or actions, imaginary or groundless and not being based on reality, foolish or rational, extravagantly fanciful, marvelous, incredibly great or extreme, exorbitant, highly unrealistic or impractical, outlandish and extraordinarily good.

Does this sound like, Sir Richard Branson, Elon Musk, John Paul DeJoria, Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos and many more?

Fantastic doesn’t mean being perfect.

Fantastic means being real with real talk and not airtalk.

Airtalk always signifies what people want to hear.

Real talk signifies the straight goods with no hidden agendas, sidebars, or any other BS.

Fantastic implies the notion that you have delivered the goods no matter what.

Fantastic indicates that you must have such an outlandish idea that most people cannot get their heads around it.

It is never logical or linear.

There are no dots to follow until it is conceived and completed.

Most people cannot wrap their heads around the idea, as it is nonlinear.

We were taught that nonlinear is for people that cannot think straight or don’t have the know how to get it done in a logical, sequential format.

You will never understand the outcome until the outcome has been achieved.

As an inventor, Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb.

When a reporter asked, "How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?"

Edison replied, "I didn't fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps."

Edison understood the law.

He absolutely understood the Law of Gestation.

The Law of Gestation states that every process needs to go through a period of time during which it is conceptualized and actualized.

“Patience is understanding that there is a natural gestation period for all acts of creation. We understand, for example, that it takes approximately 280 days from conception for a human baby to be born and it takes a given number of days for different seeds to bear fruit. Well, the same is true for our dreams and goals.

They must develop on the inside before they can manifest into reality. And that’s why patience is required to achieve your goals.” - Bob Proctor

No one person is born fantastic.

This trait is prodded, nurtured, and developed until it becomes a seedling capable of sustaining itself.

What does it take to aspire to this level of great achievement in life?

It requires an innate ability to be real with as few chameleon acts as possible.

Being real implies ridding oneself of the infamous ego.

It is rare to see this in society today, as the norm is not fantastic but the total opposite, i.e. plain, common, logical, rational, customary, reasonable, credible, unimaginative and so on and so on.

Try a nonlinear approach for a change, as it is more apt to keep up with a nanosecond.

So, what’s coming out of your mouth?

Carpe Momentum

Franco Cianflone


Copyright Disclosure

All rights reserved

Copyright 2020

Mental Toughness For Life


While the designers, contributors, and author have used their best efforts in preparing these Power Action Blogs, they make no warranty or representation with respect to accuracy or completeness of the contents of this material and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability, finances, personal or medical remedy for a particular purpose. It is further acknowledged that no warranty, of any kind, may be created or extended by any written sales materials or sales representatives.

The advice and strategies contained herein might not be suitable for your situation and do contain risk including the risk of loss. You should always consult with a financial, medical, or legal professional where appropriate before undertaking any action and users of this material assume all risk. Neither the designers, editors, contributors nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to financial, special, incidental, consequential or other damages.




“All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness Power Action blog publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher or author. Requests to the author should be addressed to mtflseminars@usa.com.” — Copyright 2007, CIPO, USCO Mental Toughness For Life, Coach Franco Cianflone

“Imagine playing football on an unmarked field of green; not a goal line to be sought and not a goal post to be seen. It would be an aimless battle were there nothing to be gained; without a thing to strive for, not a score to be attained.” – Art Holst

No goal line.

No goal post.

No direction whatsoever.

Busy but going nowhere fast!

Discover your purpose and your purpose unveils all the pieces of the puzzle that provide the GPS that you need in order to navigate towards your amazing results.

It doesn’t have to be perfect.

You don’t have to dissect, compartmentalize, or analyze everything to death.

You are exactly where you need to be at this juncture in your journey.

Discover your worthy ideal and the rest will take care of itself.

So what is your worthy ideal?

Your worthy ideal is anything that you seriously want to do with your life. It is planted in your deepest desire within the core of your human personality.

Wattles D. Wattles said it best, “Desire is the effort of the unexpressed possibility within seeking expression without through your action."


Therefore, please write in your journal what you want not need in this juncture of your life.

After you have completed this, write why you want it in this juncture of your life.

Writing causes, thinking, causes feelings, causes action, and ultimately causes results in your life and business.

Only one thing can prevent you from achieving the above.


FEAR is false evidence that appears real.

Therefore, Forget Everything About Resistance that is blocking your path.

Be curious.

Be adventurous.

Live by design.

Make the leap and bridge the gap.

Be aware.

As you do this, you will only focus on what you want, desire and deserve and ultimately understand that present circumstances never count.

Anyone that has ever achieved greatness understands the latter.

Climb aboard with me now as I hand you the first life preserver.

It's your journey and it’s your life.

Here is your free gift that you can download right now.

GPS 101


This free book is listed under other/books tab.

Read and understand these three life preservers that are contained herein and open the door to freedom.

Welcome to your spectacular journey.

It’s been waiting for you a very long time.

Congratulations as the best is yet to come for you.

Carpe Momentum

Franco Cianflone


Copyright Disclosure

All rights reserved

Copyright 2020

Mental Toughness For Life


While the designers, contributors, and author have used their best efforts in preparing these Power Action Blogs, they make no warranty or representation with respect to accuracy or completeness of the contents of this material and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability, finances, personal or medical remedy for a particular purpose. It is further acknowledged that no warranty, of any kind, may be created or extended by any written sales materials or sales representatives.

The advice and strategies contained herein might not be suitable for your situation and do contain risk including the risk of loss. You should always consult with a financial, medical, or legal professional where appropriate before undertaking any action and users of this material assume all risk. Neither the designers, editors, contributors nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to financial, special, incidental, consequential or other damages.



“All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness Power Action blog publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher or author. Requests to the author should be addressed to mtflseminars@usa.com.” — Copyright 2007, CIPO, USCO Mental Toughness For Life, Coach Franco Cianflone

"You must persist in order to resist the temptation to desist" – Franco Cianflone

The purpose of these daily posts is to encourage you to navigate through these unprecedented times with emotional intelligence.

There are many people that do not have this opportunity so if you are able to help someone in need, please pay forward the information. 

Goal setting is an intellectual exercise but goal achieving is a lawful exercise.

Those that persist in spite of present circumstances always rise to the top.


They clearly understand that resisting the temptation to desist guarantees their success.

Joseph P. Kennedy said,  “When the going gets tough the tough get going.”

Robert H. Schuller also said, “Tough times never last but tough people do.”

These are obviously great words and great quotes for these unprecedented times that require unprecedented thinking.

“But the meek shall inherit the earth, And shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.” – Psalm 37:11 KJV

These people are tough but not in a physical way.

These people are mentally tough and are able to withstand the ferocious bite of unprecedented times such as a pandemic.

They are not impervious to these threats but have developed an acute sense of persistence that withstands this onslaught.

Their armor consists of thinking in a very different way that employs the intellectual faculties; will, imagination, memory, perception, intuition, and reason.

They are only words until we really understand how to use them effectively.

Understanding these faculties creates an awareness that as an individual, you are acutely in tune with your environment most of the time.

Living in this manner provides you with the opportunity to experience your entire world life experience more fully and with greater understanding.


The will is the part of your personality that gives you the ability to hold one picture on the screen of the mind, to the exclusion of all outside distractions that are begging for your conscious attention through your senses.


The imagination is the most marvelous, miraculous, inconceivably powerful force that the world has ever known. Your picture creates your reality.


No one has a bad memory. This is an intellectual faculty that can be honed by association.


Perception determines how you see things. Perception is impacted by thoughts, feelings, altitude of view etc.


This is the part of your personality that enables you to pick up feelings from another person. You are able to feel the energy that is emitted from that individual.


You are able to choose. You can accept or reject any information. You can originate any idea.

Equipped with this arsenal of valuable knowledge, you are now able to better understand the meaning behind the biblical verse above.

Present circumstances no longer have a stronghold on your thinking and more peace is the offspring of this new thought process.

It takes time and it takes discipline however the dividends will far outweigh the latter. 

The physical senses, see, hear, smell, taste and touch are invaluable but the intellectual faculties provide us with another plane of existence.

Are you ready?

Persist in order to resist the temptation to desist.

Carpe Momentum

Franco Cianflone


Copyright Disclosure

All rights reserved

Copyright 2020

Mental Toughness For Life


While the designers, contributors, and author have used their best efforts in preparing these Power Action Blogs, they make no warranty or representation with respect to accuracy or completeness of the contents of this material and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability, finances, personal or medical remedy for a particular purpose. It is further acknowledged that no warranty, of any kind, may be created or extended by any written sales materials or sales representatives.

The advice and strategies contained herein might not be suitable for your situation and do contain risk including the risk of loss. You should always consult with a financial, medical, or legal professional where appropriate before undertaking any action and users of this material assume all risk. Neither the designers, editors, contributors nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to financial, special, incidental, consequential or other damages.


“All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness Power Action blog publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher or author. Requests to the author should be addressed to mtflseminars@usa.com.” — Copyright 2007, CIPO, USCO Mental Toughness For Life, Coach Franco Cianflone

“Within the child lies the fate of the future." - Maria Montessori

A child’s mind may be likened to a large cup. His/her 360 will absorb absolutely everything just like a sponge with no conscious thought whatsoever as it is not fully developed.

This is the moment of decisive action.

Do you want your child to grow up with fear, insecurity, lack, and limitation etc.?

You clearly know what you want.

You want a child that will grow up to be a fulfilled, possibility thinking, can do attitude, 400,000,000,000,000 to 1 get out of my way unstoppable, creative, energetic, caring and giving human being.

Invest heavily in the nurturing thoughts, feelings, and actions that encircle this fragile and formative being.

The moment that this little being plops out of the mother’s womb, you become the first teacher in its life.

Teach this child to embrace change.

Embracing change at full throttle catapults amazing and astounding results.

Nobody really wants change.

It’s uncomfortable and unfamiliar.

Unfortunately, when change is not embraced we instantly move into a disintegration mode going nowhere fast!

Nothing stands still.

Change is inevitable but personal growth is optional.

These first lessons are crucial and life lasting.

What are they?










Our human personality is designed to manifest whatever is impressed into our glorious mind, good, bad, or indifferent.

That little child is a walking supercomputer greater that any machine that has been or not yet invented.

No machine ever can even begin to touch the magnitude and power of the human mind.


Our parents, grand parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, and everyone else in our early life did the best that they could do with what they had at the time. We love them and respect them for what they attempted to instill in our fragile minds as children.

However, most of the thinking and discussion around our early life was middle class thinking.

The following was created by Steve Siebold and is included in his book, 177 Mental Toughness Secrets Of The World Class.

Steve Siebold’s book, 177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class provides this awesome distinction between the middle-class and world-class thinking.

This book is available at


The following is an excerpt.

"The Middle Class competes … The World Class creates

The Middle Class avoids risk … The World Class manages risk

The Middle Class lives in delusion … The World Class lives in objective reality

 The Middle Class loves to be comfortable … The World Class is comfortable being uncomfortable

The Middle Class has a lottery mentality … The World Class has an abundance mentality

The Middle Class hungers for security … The World Class doesn't believe security exists

The Middle Class sacrifices growth for safety … The World Class sacrifices safety for growth

The Middle Class operates from fear and scarcity … The World Class operates from love and abundance

The Middle Class sees themselves as victims … The World Class sees themselves as responsible

The Middle Class slows down … The World Class calms down"

This book is an invaluable tool that will pay you dividends for years to come.

Therefore, in order to shift towards this world class thinking, we need to upgrade our belief.

Our personal belief was not created by us but rather passed on to us by our caregivers.

Actions are always stronger than words.

What you say, do or think around these infants is impressed upon their impressionable minds.

Our future lies within every, single child.

Carpe Momentum

Franco Cianflone


Copyright Disclosure

All rights reserved

Copyright 2020

Mental Toughness For Life


While the designers, contributors, and author have used their best efforts in preparing these Power Action Blogs, they make no warranty or representation with respect to accuracy or completeness of the contents of this material and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability, finances, personal or medical remedy for a particular purpose. It is further acknowledged that no warranty, of any kind, may be created or extended by any written sales materials or sales representatives.

The advice and strategies contained herein might not be suitable for your situation and do contain risk including the risk of loss. You should always consult with a financial, medical, or legal professional where appropriate before undertaking any action and users of this material assume all risk. Neither the designers, editors, contributors nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to financial, special, incidental, consequential or other damages.


“All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness Power Action blog publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher or author. Requests to the author should be addressed to mtflseminars@usa.com.” — Copyright 2007, CIPO, USCO Mental Toughness For Life, Coach Franco Cianflone

“The whole idea is to enable you to see mentally the picture at all hours of the day.”- Claude M. Bristol

Look into a puddle of water when the sun is shining and you will see a reflection of your image.

Stir the water just a little and the image now becomes hazy.

The picture of what you desire and deserve in your life and business works exactly the same way.

Your picture must be complete in full color, incredibly detailed and clear.

You will see many abandoned dreams along the journey.

Only persistence will carry you through to the finish line.

The latter begs this question.

Why is it that two individuals can be exposed to the same information and ultimately experience such different results?

One would enjoy massive results while the other would be wondering why they were not achieving the same amazing results.

One could also argue that the application of the information was very different.

Also, intelligence might be a determining factor.

Possibly, even awareness could enter the equation.

However, the reality is that some people change and others remain the same.

This is very frustrating for most people as they really have good intentions of taking their life to the next level.

So, what do they do?

They take more courses.

They hop from seminar to seminar hoping that results will show up however nothing ever really changes.

A person's X factor in their psychological house just loves creating this phenomenon.

It loves to manipulate, dictate, control, and derail anyone's quest for success.

The truth is that one of these individuals embraced the information as it resonated with their inner core.

They actually internalized it with feeling and emotion and as a result, a burning desire arose within.

They felt alive and vibrant. The explosive emotion in their mind, body, and spirit created a volcano of powerful ideas.

The blood flowing through their body was electrified with passion and purpose.


They woke up and experienced an explosive psychological impact.

The status quo in their life just died and they flipped the switch in their brain from default to design.

However, that psychological corpse is always lurking and scheming devious methods of getting back into one's head.

According to most sources, 400,000,000,000,000 to 1 were the odds of you showing up on the planet.

You plopped out of your mother's womb and there you were naked and beautiful in your entire splendor

How special are you now?

Continue to stretch, dream, and imagine the infinite possibilities that lie ahead for you.

Your DNA simply translates as follows; dare to nurture all that is within you.

Do it now!

Carpe Momentum

Franco Cianflone


Copyright Disclosure

All rights reserved

Copyright 2020

Mental Toughness For Life


While the designers, contributors, and author have used their best efforts in preparing these Power Action Blogs, they make no warranty or representation with respect to accuracy or completeness of the contents of this material and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability, finances, personal or medical remedy for a particular purpose. It is further acknowledged that no warranty, of any kind, may be created or extended by any written sales materials or sales representatives.

The advice and strategies contained herein might not be suitable for your situation and do contain risk including the risk of loss. You should always consult with a financial, medical, or legal professional where appropriate before undertaking any action and users of this material assume all risk. Neither the designers, editors, contributors nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to financial, special, incidental, consequential or other damages.


“All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness Power Action blog publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher or author. Requests to the author should be addressed to mtflseminars@usa.com.” — Copyright 2007, CIPO, USCO Mental Toughness For Life, Coach Franco Cianflone

“Impossible situations can become possible miracles.” - Robert H. Schuller

According to most sources, a miracle is an act that defies the laws of nature.

Actually, they exist and are all around us each day.

However, these things called eyes only allow us to see what is physically in front of us.

Let’s see now; you can actually breathe without a lung machine or walk without support or read without having to learn Braille.


Begin with these and you will begin to see the rest.

Begin with an inner eye of understanding however; there is a caveat to this as the internet is riddled with conjecture.

But don’t let that stop you.

You might as well jump right in; all the way in.

If you don’t get wet and dirty then you won’t experience the fun of it all.


You guessed it!

It means leaving the old jail cell of limited vision and throwing away the key towards freedom.

It’s scary but it’s worth it!

It’s called life and it’s called living with full throttle!

Our thoughts can either energize or consume us as they trigger our personal perception.

As a result our physical eyes have limited vision.

Some people have 20/20 vision but our inner eye of understanding vision is far superior than our physical eyes.

Choose uplifting, propelling, vibrant and joyous thoughts that escalate your vibration and ultimately connect you to the frequency that will deliver the results that you desire and deserve.

Understanding your human physiology is helpful.


The event good, bad, or indifferent triggers the Amygdala/lizard brain.

The Amygdala scans your data bank (all of your experiences good, bad or indifferent) and then sends an electrical message to your central nervous system based on information that is in your data bank.

The end result is either chaos or peace of mind.

Here’s how it works in real life.

Thoughts, feelings etc. via the physical senses and especially your physical eyes, enter the brain at the spinal cord and have to travel all the way to the front of the brain before you can think rationally about the experience.

All this stuff has to travel through the limbic system (feeling) before it gets to the area where rational thought is experienced.

It’s not that complicated as when we are so tightly wound up with the issue, it has very little chance of getting to the front of the brain.

We've all been there.

For better results, choose your inner eye of understanding vision.

Carpe Momentum

Franco Cianflone


Copyright Disclosure

All rights reserved

Copyright 2020

Mental Toughness For Life


While the designers, contributors, and author have used their best efforts in preparing these Power Action Blogs, they make no warranty or representation with respect to accuracy or completeness of the contents of this material and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability, finances, personal or medical remedy for a particular purpose. It is further acknowledged that no warranty, of any kind, may be created or extended by any written sales materials or sales representatives.

The advice and strategies contained herein might not be suitable for your situation and do contain risk including the risk of loss. You should always consult with a financial, medical, or legal professional where appropriate before undertaking any action and users of this material assume all risk. Neither the designers, editors, contributors nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to financial, special, incidental, consequential or other damages.


“All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness Power Action blog publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher or author. Requests to the author should be addressed to mtflseminars@usa.com.” — Copyright 2007, CIPO, USCO Mental Toughness For Life, Coach Franco Cianflone

“Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.” - John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Nothing ever great was accomplished by conforming to traditional modes of behavior or thinking.

The everyday gadgets that provide us with comfort and ease were not born out of compliance with a fixed standard, regulation, or requirement.

Fire the jailer and throw away the keys, as the creative energy does not live here.

This is what happens when you fire the jailer.

Born in England, his father was a bus driver and his mother worked as a supermarket cashier.

In school he had been bullied and that experience may have made him lack self-confidence.

He worked as a manager at a mobile phone store.

His life would never be the same.

We know him as Paul Robert Potts. On June 17, 2007 he won Britain's Got Talent.

"As of August 31, 2019 and according to Celebrity Net Worth, Paul is estimated to be worth $10,000,000 (£8.2 million), but all that seems to have rested on nothing more than a flip of a coin.” - https://metro.co.uk/

Believe in yourself.

Confide in yourself and you will develop confidence.

You will never know what you are capable of achieving until you stretch and open the black door.

The black door represents the infinite possibilities that lie ahead of you eagerly waiting your embrace.

The black door represents freedom.

 Here is an interesting story by Don McCullough that sums up the black door analogy.

"An Arab chief tells the story of a spy captured and sentenced to death by a general in the Persian army.

This general had the strange custom of giving condemned criminals a choice between the firing squad and the big black door.

The moment for execution drew near, and the guards brought the spy to the Persian general. 'What will it be,' asked the general, 'the firing squad or the big black door?’

The spy hesitated for a long time. Finally, he chose the firing squad.

A few minutes later, hearing the shots ring out confirming the spy's execution, the general turned to his aid and said, 'They always prefer the known to the unknown. People fear what they don't know. Yet, we gave him a choice.' 'What lies beyond the big door?' asked the aide. ‘Freedom,' replied the general. 'I've known only a few brave enough to take that door.'

The best opportunities in our lives stand behind the forbidding door of the great unknown.

Get rid of fear and replace it with faith.

Faith moves mountains!

Watch the video clip and have some tissue handy!


Learn to become a gladiator of faith, peace, trust, inspiration, confidence, and every other empowering factor that exists on this glorious planet that we call Earth.

The piranhas that love to kill your self-esteem will never leave you alone, but your psychological armor will protect you from all intruders.

Continue to feed your mind, body, and spirit with glorious, mental food that will inspire you and promote confidence along your path.

In order to create greater confidence, we need to dismantle the picket fence mentality.

The effort that you take in developing your daily ritual and dismantling your picket fence mentality will pay huge dividends to you in the upcoming years.

Just think about it.

How many people do you know that have a daily ritual that they exercise every single day, 86,400 seconds, 24/7, 365 days per year?

Regardless, you are the one that will benefit from this ritual, as doing this will alter any program that is subconsciously controlling you and your results intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, physically, and financially.

You are now living your life by design and that is how it was actually intended on the first day of your creation.

The following link from James Allen’s “As a Man Thinketh” that was published in 1903 is a great start to this path.

Read and listen to this every day for 365 days.



After that, it will take an incredible force to rattle your cage any longer.

Carpe Momentum

Franco Cianflone


Copyright Disclosure

All rights reserved

Copyright 2020

Mental Toughness For Life


While the designers, contributors, and author have used their best efforts in preparing these Power Action Blogs, they make no warranty or representation with respect to accuracy or completeness of the contents of this material and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability, finances, personal or medical remedy for a particular purpose. It is further acknowledged that no warranty, of any kind, may be created or extended by any written sales materials or sales representatives.

The advice and strategies contained herein might not be suitable for your situation and do contain risk including the risk of loss. You should always consult with a financial, medical, or legal professional where appropriate before undertaking any action and users of this material assume all risk. Neither the designers, editors, contributors nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to financial, special, incidental, consequential or other damages.


“All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness Power Action blog publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher or author. Requests to the author should be addressed to mtflseminars@usa.com.” — Copyright 2007, CIPO, USCO Mental Toughness For Life, Coach Franco Cianflone

“If you love something, set it free; if it comes back it's yours, if it doesn't, it never was.” - Richard Bach

If you love what you are doing, do everything that you humanly can each day and then let go.

Force negates.

Let go of the money, the people, the issues, and everything else.

As you attempt to force the effort, the effect of what you desire moves further and further away from you.

If what you desire is truly yours, it will manifest right on time and right on schedule. It always does but you do have to let go.

The desired images displayed on the screen of our mind by our thoughts molds and shapes our physical world 86,400 seconds of each glorious day.

In order to tune into the exact frequency of your favorite radio station, you have to be very precise.

If your favorite station is 91.7, tuning it to 91.6 or 91.8 will not work.

What we desire and deserve in our life works exactly the same way!

Be precise.

Fuzzy images are not easily manifested into your life experience but crystal clear images in full brilliant color are.

Don’t hang on to something that is not working.

Do everything that is humanly possible and then let go.

Maybe it’s that job, relationship, issue, disagreement, and so on.

Agree to disagree and move on.

Being stuck really sucks and no one wants to be purposely stuck.

Familiarity breeds boredom unless it is injected with spontaneity from time to time.

Change it up.

Doing so will create new thoughts, new feelings, new actions and ultimately new results.

Think of that beautiful butterfly.

If it returns, it was always yours.

Forty-two years ago, I wrote this song Live Life that describes the latter.



Words & music by Franco Cianflone

Performed by Maria Loscerbo Firenze, Italia

Copyright 1978

“How long are you gonna take to come around?

How long is it gonna take for love?

I’ve been waiting for months and months

Time and time again

Nothing seems so real since you’ve gone your way

Why did you have to go and did you find what you’re searching for?

Baby, my babe

Live life and love, touch someone, and share

Be real and see that someone does care for you

For all the times I cared for you with unconditional love

You left me with a child in hand to care for and guide

What we had and didn’t have doesn’t matter any more

Find your path to happiness, someday you’ll see

Love begins within you and happiness is real

Baby, my babe”

Now, let go and live life.

Carpe Momentum

Franco Cianflone


Copyright Disclosure

All rights reserved

Copyright 2020

Mental Toughness For Life


While the designers, contributors, and author have used their best efforts in preparing these Power Action Blogs, they make no warranty or representation with respect to accuracy or completeness of the contents of this material and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability, finances, personal or medical remedy for a particular purpose. It is further acknowledged that no warranty, of any kind, may be created or extended by any written sales materials or sales representatives.

The advice and strategies contained herein might not be suitable for your situation and do contain risk including the risk of loss. You should always consult with a financial, medical, or legal professional where appropriate before undertaking any action and users of this material assume all risk. Neither the designers, editors, contributors nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to financial, special, incidental, consequential or other damages.



“All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness Power Action blog publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher or author. Requests to the author should be addressed to mtflseminars@usa.com.” — Copyright 2007, CIPO, USCO Mental Toughness For Life, Coach Franco Cianflone

“Nothing is softer or more flexible than water, yet nothing can resist it” - Lao Tzu

There will always be people that penetrate your 360-degree zone with an abrupt change in direction.

Meanwhile, you’ve spent hours and hours planning, preparing, and fine-tuning all aspects of your project or event.

Do not react!

Respond with intelligent behavior that teaches others how you would like to be treated in the future.

Simply think; “Isn’t that interesting?”

Your flexibility now provides you with greater personal strength and power.

For most people, this is not an easy task.

There will always be detours along the way.

Being caught up in a rigid and inflexible mindset produces very little results in the long run.

This is the juncture where James Allen’s quote comes in very handy.

“Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom. It is the result of long and patient effort and self-control. Its presence is an indication of ripened experience, and of a more than ordinary knowledge of the laws and operations of thought.”

The key is to respond and not react as this action allows you to transform problems into opportunities.

We are all wired to either react or respond to present circumstances. Therefore, in order not to succumb to this derailment, we must always do the following to the best of our ability.

“Do not allow present circumstances to influence your thinking, your decision-making or your present moment happiness.”

Therefore, renew your vow to yourself to be the very best version of yourself every single day. Allow that masterpiece that was created within you to emerge victoriously. Be the champion that you were created to be.

As you begin to do this, you are renewing your vow to yourself to be the very best version of yourself every single day. You are now allowing that masterpiece that was created within you to emerge victoriously. As a result, you are now becoming the champion that you were created to be.

There will always be issues no matter what we do in life. Sometimes, we have to make some difficult decisions.

Non-judgmental communication sets the stage for great dialogue.

List five non-judgmental communication strategies that you will initiate immediately.

In order to communicate effectively, you have to release it in a spirit of expectation and gratitude.

People will never be able to read your mind however they must be taught.

You must teach people how you want to be treated. Continually shoving touchy issues under the carpet is to no avail and ultimately someone has to clean it up.

It might as well be you.

There will be issues or events that arise that are not congenial.

In these times, we must have very specific tools at our command.

Compartmentalization and the react/respond trigger work effectively.

“It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.” - Epictetus

Once the event has taken place there is absolutely nothing that you can do to alter it.

However, you are fully in control of what happens to you emotionally after the event.

Your thinking at this point creates your circumstances.

In order to release negativity or non-productive thinking release the event or individual with the HSPP factor.

This is the script and it works perfectly if you are serious about releasing the negativity.

The universe is always listening.

“I absolutely release (name of individual or event) to (his/her/its) highest good of happiness, success, prosperity and peace of mind.”

This is the HSPP factor in action.

Pass it on.

Carpe Momentum

Franco Cianflone


Copyright Disclosure

All rights reserved

Copyright 2020

Mental Toughness For Life


While the designers, contributors, and author have used their best efforts in preparing these Power Action Blogs, they make no warranty or representation with respect to accuracy or completeness of the contents of this material and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability, finances, personal or medical remedy for a particular purpose. It is further acknowledged that no warranty, of any kind, may be created or extended by any written sales materials or sales representatives.

The advice and strategies contained herein might not be suitable for your situation and do contain risk including the risk of loss. You should always consult with a financial, medical, or legal professional where appropriate before undertaking any action and users of this material assume all risk. Neither the designers, editors, contributors nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to financial, special, incidental, consequential or other damages.