"Rewire your brain & catapult your results in life and business." COPYRIGHT DISCLOSURE “All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness For Life Publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the author.


“All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness Power Action blog publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher or author. Requests to the author should be addressed to mtflseminars@usa.com.” — Copyright 2007, CIPO, USCO Mental Toughness For Life, Coach Franco Cianflone

“The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.” - Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy

Our journey is always under construction.

If it isn’t then you have simply stopped growing.

You are either creating or disintegrating.

Plant your seed with love, patience, determination, and persistence.

The Law of Gestation will do the rest.

Every seed has a gestation or incubation period.

Ideas are spiritual seeds and will move into form or physical results.

Your goals will manifest in the perfect time.

Know they will.

Earl Nightingale said it best, “Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.”

The keyword is progressive.

But everyone wants it yesterday.



Quick fix.

Lightning speed.


Get it before you think it.

Don’t sweat it as Jeff and the big A are certainly working on this last one.

You’re on the right track if you have planted your seed with patience towards your greatness.

When you have planted this seed and are patient with the process, you have definitely aligned yourself with the Law of Gestation.

This law states that everything has a gestation period during which it develops.

You might have heard me say it in prior writings that you can’t force the unfoldment of the rose as it causes its demise.

This is the Law of Gestation in action.

Corn takes from 60 to 100 days to bring it to harvest depending on the variety of the seed and temperature.

You can’t speed it up and tell it to harvest in 25 days.

Life is exactly the same.

Understand this law and your life will be more understandable in terms of development and sustainability.

So, what are you waiting for?

Plant your seed with patience.

Don’t worry about the how, just plant your seed, and allow the universe to manifest it into fruition.

In order to grow, we need serious goals that we cannot easily grasp. We have to stretch as never before as these goals will provide us with purpose and direction.

Most of us spend more time planning what to eat for dinner than we spend planning for our lives. If we don’t have a vision, then we will create the life we have always known. If our vision isn’t anchored in our purpose then we will get off track. Our goals are the means by which we reach our vision that is driven by purpose.

This was stated many, many, years ago. “Where there is no vision, people perish.” – Proverbs 29:18 KJV

You can only move forward towards your goal by embracing new ideas and eradicating the old ones that have always held you back. Your current state is your X and your desired state is your Y, however there is a very long bridge in between these two states. The bridge is very fragile, unknown and extremely death-defying. The possibility of falling over is extremely high.

 So who wants to make this trek across this precarious bridge?

Not many and possibly only 3% of the population. The rationale behind the last statement is that these people on the 3% bus do not ask the how, ever.

97% always ask how am I going to do this?

Do not ask how you are going to do it, as this will derail the creative process.

You must absolutely pulverize the words can’t and how until they are eradicated from your vocabulary.

You must understand that your goals should scare and excite you at the same time. Ralph Waldo Emerson said it many years ago, “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”

What do you want and what are you willing to give up in order to get what you want? 

Write it down right now on a napkin, envelope, journal, or whatever and don’t procrastinate. In doing this, it’s important to understand that there is a drastic difference between a career and a job.

A clearly defined purpose cuts the mustard.


A clearly defined purpose creates order and results that you can measure. If you can’t measure results, there is no point whatsoever.

Your purpose creates your Life Map. In order to achieve this we must work by Law and not by luck.

Create your own purpose that resonates with your core.

You must write it down.

“Writing causes thinking, thinking creates images, images control feelings, feelings cause actions, actions create RESULTS.” – Bob Proctor

Carpe Momentum

Franco Cianflone


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All rights reserved

Copyright 2020

Mental Toughness For Life


While the designers, contributors, and author have used their best efforts in preparing these Power Action Blogs, they make no warranty or representation with respect to accuracy or completeness of the contents of this material and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability, finances, personal or medical remedy for a particular purpose. It is further acknowledged that no warranty, of any kind, may be created or extended by any written sales materials or sales representatives.

The advice and strategies contained herein might not be suitable for your situation and do contain risk including the risk of loss. You should always consult with a financial, medical, or legal professional where appropriate before undertaking any action and users of this material assume all risk. Neither the designers, editors, contributors nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to financial, special, incidental, consequential or other damages.


“All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness Power Action blog publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher or author. Requests to the author should be addressed to mtflseminars@usa.com.” — Copyright 2007, CIPO, USCO Mental Toughness For Life, Coach Franco Cianflone

“Every moment of your life is infinitely creative and the universe is endlessly bountiful. Just put forth a clear enough request, and everything your heart truly desires must come to you.” – Shakti Gawain

UPS, FedEx or Purolator will not come to you unless you call with a specific need.

Amazon or any other online company will not process an order for you unless you complete the order form.

Why would you even think that placing an order for what we want in our life is any different?

It’s simple as 1, 2, 3.

Ask (Place your order)

Believe (Understand that it will be delivered to you)

Receive (Be prepared and ready for the goods when they arrive).

“And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” - Matthew 21:22 KJV

The universe has big eyes, big ears and laser focused attention on what you ask for, good, bad or indifferent every single day of your life.

Create your daily intention by asking for what it is that you really desire in your life.

How many people on this great planet of ours wake up every morning and declare the following?

“I am so happy and grateful now that every single fiber of my being is vibrating in perfect harmony with God’s law.

I am so incredibly grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities, through multiple sources on a continuous basis.

I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me easily and effortlessly.

I am so happy and grateful now that I am already incredibly calm, strong, steady, full of life and full of energy.

I absolutely believe in myself.

I love myself.

I feel good about myself.

I am already incredibly calm, confident, competent and capable.”

Who says this?



Three percent of the population recites this all the time.

The language might be different but they say yes to the universe.

Say Yes!

You can say yes in any language that you prefer but you must say yes to yourself and your personal intention.

Yes, Si, Oui, Ja, Jawi, Sim, Igen, Ya, Co, Tak, Evet, Da & many, many others.

The words might be different however the message is always the same.

These people are feeding their personal computer with language that it understands.

This is language that requires no decoding whatsoever.

These people understand that what is fed into their personal computer affects everything in their life intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, physically and financially.

Memorize this script and recite it to yourself daily for 365 days. The neuro pathways in your brain will begin to shift towards new and wondrous paths.

No where in any great book does it state that we were created for lack and limitation.

Then why are so many beautiful people walking around with negative recordings in their personal computer?

They are not aware.

They don’t even know that they don’t know.

This language of self-talk is the DNA of everything that we are as human beings.

We talk to ourselves all the time whether we are aware of it or not.

Regardless, we must always ask, believe and ultimately receive.

This is one formula that is eternal and always works.

Carpe Momentum

Franco Cianflone


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All rights reserved

Copyright 2020

Mental Toughness For Life


While the designers, contributors, and author have used their best efforts in preparing these Power Action Blogs, they make no warranty or representation with respect to accuracy or completeness of the contents of this material and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability, finances, personal or medical remedy for a particular purpose. It is further acknowledged that no warranty, of any kind, may be created or extended by any written sales materials or sales representatives.

The advice and strategies contained herein might not be suitable for your situation and do contain risk including the risk of loss. You should always consult with a financial, medical, or legal professional where appropriate before undertaking any action and users of this material assume all risk. Neither the designers, editors, contributors nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to financial, special, incidental, consequential or other damages.


“All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness Power Action blog publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher or author. Requests to the author should be addressed to mtflseminars@usa.com.” — Copyright 2007, CIPO, USCO Mental Toughness For Life, Coach Franco Cianflone

“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.” - John Milton

An airbag is a vehicle safety device. It is an occupant restraint consisting of a flexible envelope designed to inflate rapidly in an automobile collision, to prevent vehicle occupants from striking interior objects such as the steering wheel or window. - Wikipedia

We all have a mind bag.

Unfortunately, we were never given the instructions or even taught how to operate it effectively.

Your mind bag protects you from collisions that derail or immobilize you.

In order to employ this mind bag absolutely reject any and all thoughts that do not serve you; your purpose, your vision or your goals.




This is the only way that your mind bag works; by design and not by auto pilot or default.

Working by design requires daily dogged discipline but after awhile it becomes second nature.

The dialogue that you receive daily absolutely determines the results in your life.

You have to decide what you're going to do with this dialogue that comes into your conscious mind.

You can accept or reject it.

If you decide to accept it, then you should consider it to be fairly important information that's going to serve you proactively.

It all begins and ends right here.

You have a choice.

You can decide what you're going to do with this information.

Most people are processing this information by autopilot and default.

They're not really aware of all this thinking that's coming into their conscious mind.

It’s entering their conscious mind and they're just accepting it by default or by autopilot.

They don’t know that they don’t know.

The other choice is to take this thinking that's coming into your being and basically process it by design.

You're going to determine absolutely right down to every specific detail of every single thought what you're going to do.

You’re going to accept or reject it.

If the information does not serve you, then you must absolutely reject it.

If you do not reject it, then all this information is going to start manifesting into your life in terms of your results.

This is where Dr. Joseph Murphy’s script works brilliantly.

“Be still, be quiet. I am in control. You must obey me. You cannot intrude where you do not belong.”

The only method of remaining in control is to be present in the present moment without allowing present circumstances from controlling your thinking, decision making or present moment happiness to the best of your ability.

So, who’s in charge now?

Carpe Momentum

Franco Cianflone


Copyright Disclosure

All rights reserved

Copyright 2020

Mental Toughness For Life


While the designers, contributors, and author have used their best efforts in preparing these Power Action Blogs, they make no warranty or representation with respect to accuracy or completeness of the contents of this material and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability, finances, personal or medical remedy for a particular purpose. It is further acknowledged that no warranty, of any kind, may be created or extended by any written sales materials or sales representatives.

The advice and strategies contained herein might not be suitable for your situation and do contain risk including the risk of loss. You should always consult with a financial, medical, or legal professional where appropriate before undertaking any action and users of this material assume all risk. Neither the designers, editors, contributors nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to financial, special, incidental, consequential or other damages.


“All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness Power Action blog publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher or author. Requests to the author should be addressed to mtflseminars@usa.com.” — Copyright 2007, CIPO, USCO Mental Toughness For Life, Coach Franco Cianflone

“Expect to have hope rekindled. Expect your prayers to be answered in wondrous ways. The dry seasons in life do not last. The spring rains will come again.” - Sarah Ban Breathnach

You can start any time; right where you are.

Yesterday has nothing to do with today.

Begin today with renewed energy, expectation, and possibility thinking.

Get out there and make it happen for you, your family, your friends, your associates, and all the other people on the planet that can benefit from knowing you.

Dare to nurture all that is within you.

Sounds great but where do I even begin with all this s . . . out there?

You begin by altering the way that you think.

You are being bombarded daily and under mental attack by media missiles.

Create a shield of invisible protection around your psychological house 24/7 and 86,400 seconds of each glorious day.

You do this by insulating yourself with a protective armor of thoughts that promote you towards your goal or aspiration.

This does not mean burying your head in the sand and pretending that nothing is going on around you.


It means being selective about what you’re going to expose yourself to and with whom you’re going to hang out.

Ask yourself.

Do I need to hear that news report again as I have already heard it five times today?

Do I need to hear from my neighbors or friends that it’s actually quite negative and hopeless out there?

Do I need to spend hours and hours on social media and continue to expose myself to the constant nonsense and drama?

Optimism and positivity doesn’t sell.

Drama and negativity sells big time.

If you want to nurture all that is within you, begin with a brand new regimen of creating your own story every single day.

By doing this, you begin to create new neuro pathways in your brain and the old pathways begin to fade.

Unfortunately, some of us are just dribbling.

Basically, one dribbles away for so many years but never makes a shot for the basket.

It’s time to take your shot.

We all have many innate talents that have never had the opportunity of been expressed.

How do I change things up?

It’s called neuroplasticity.

Rewire and retrain your brain to form new connections with brain cells (neurons).

Doing this creates new pathways with new thoughts and new opportunities with accompanying results.

Check out this video, as it will explain the process of neuroplasticity.


Now, go and dare to nurture all that is within you.

Carpe Momentum

Franco Cianflone


Copyright Disclosure

All rights reserved

Copyright 2020

Mental Toughness For Life


While the designers, contributors, and author have used their best efforts in preparing these Power Action Blogs, they make no warranty or representation with respect to accuracy or completeness of the contents of this material and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability, finances, personal or medical remedy for a particular purpose. It is further acknowledged that no warranty, of any kind, may be created or extended by any written sales materials or sales representatives.

The advice and strategies contained herein might not be suitable for your situation and do contain risk including the risk of loss. You should always consult with a financial, medical, or legal professional where appropriate before undertaking any action and users of this material assume all risk. Neither the designers, editors, contributors nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to financial, special, incidental, consequential or other damages.




“All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness Power Action blog publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher or author. Requests to the author should be addressed to mtflseminars@usa.com.” — Copyright 2007, CIPO, USCO Mental Toughness For Life, Coach Franco Cianflone

“There is no point in having sharp images when you’ve got fuzzy ideas.” – Jean-Luc Godard

Today, we’re going to talk about a different type of scripting although somewhat similar to the traditional definition.

You are the human operator and will be programming a very specific language that is intended to alter your current results immeasurably.

What is the benefit for you and how does it work?

We’re talking about integrating your belief with your behavior and as a result everything changes magically in your life.

You become a different person.

Same body but a different psychological house within begins to evolve.

The old program, the old paradigm will slowly be eradicated from your life as a result of this scripting.

So be bold.

Be excellent.

Be in love with what you’re doing.

Invest in yourself.

Be energetic.

Be victorious and absolutely begin to extract yourself from your old program with this scripting.

Be incredibly diligent.

Be a sentinel to your thoughts and your self-talk.

Continually impress affirmations or afformations daily along your journey.

Affirmations are positive statements from you to yourself either spoken or thought.

 Noah St. John invented afformations.

Afformations are questions from you to yourself.

Here is an example of both affirming strategies that absolutely work.

The only caveat for scripting is a strong belief in self and this strategy.


“I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis.” – Bob Proctor


 “Why does money come to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis?” – Bob Proctor

The latter are strategies that work brilliantly.

They strengthen, sustain, and develop our self-image in order to attract more abundance and more of everything into our life.

It’s not rocket science.

A glass filled with dirty water will remain dirty unless clear water is poured into the glass.

Continue to fill your glass with crystal clear water with affirming or afforming statements every single day of your life.

 The following are some examples but may be adapted to suit your own personal and professional life.

Create your own as you evolve with this strategy.

Don’t confuse narcissism with healthy affirmations or afformations.


Why am I so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis?

Why does money come to me easily and effortlessly?

Why is money my servant for all the incredible opportunities it provides for me, my family and many other people in this world that I am able to help?

Why do I attract money to me daily from various sources?

Why does this money come to me from various sources that I am actively involved with on a consistent basis?

Why are all my activities productive and prosperous?


Why am I a total success?

Why are all my efforts bringing rich rewards?

Why do I set high goals for myself, which I am able to attain?

Why am I a warm and friendly person and why are people naturally drawn to me?

Why is it becoming easier and easier for me to realize all my goals?

Why is my positive and enthusiastic attitude infectious?

Why do I have a magnetic personality and why do I attract people to my business?

Why are all my efforts productive?

Why do I believe in myself completely?

Why do I have total confidence and know that I’m a winner in life?

As stated previously, in order to change your program that is deeply entrenched in your paradigm, create your own affirming or afforming statements.

We were not taught the latter in our early life, as it might have appeared to be narcissistic in nature. 

You now have a few essential life building skills in order to create a more abundant life in all areas.

Carpe Momentum

Franco Cianflone


Copyright Disclosure

All rights reserved

Copyright 2020

Mental Toughness For Life


While the designers, contributors, and author have used their best efforts in preparing these Power Action Blogs, they make no warranty or representation with respect to accuracy or completeness of the contents of this material and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability, finances, personal or medical remedy for a particular purpose. It is further acknowledged that no warranty, of any kind, may be created or extended by any written sales materials or sales representatives.

The advice and strategies contained herein might not be suitable for your situation and do contain risk including the risk of loss. You should always consult with a financial, medical, or legal professional where appropriate before undertaking any action and users of this material assume all risk. Neither the designers, editors, contributors nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to financial, special, incidental, consequential or other damages.



“All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness Power Action blog publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher or author. Requests to the author should be addressed to mtflseminars@usa.com.” — Copyright 2007, CIPO, USCO Mental Toughness For Life, Coach Franco Cianflone

“The wireless telegraph is not difficult to understand. The ordinary telegraph is like a very long cat. You pull the tail in New York, and it meows in Los Angeles. The wireless is the same, only without the cat.” - Albert Einstein

Wireless energy transfer is a process whereby electrical energy is transmitted from a power source to an electrical load that does not have a built-in power source, without the use of interconnecting wires.

You are a wireless entity.

70,000 cells exit your body every second.

The only energy that can be regenerated is like energy.

Want more health?

Want more abundance?

Want more of everything?

Stop attracting what you don’t want.

Focus only on what you want!

Plug into the power source.

I recently asked someone how they are doing?

Their response was, “Fat, old and useless.”

How can anyone possibly attract the good stuff when these words are being uttered from their being?

The universe is always listening.

The universe understands what you need and when you need it but you must be aware 24/7 and 86,400 seconds of each glorious day.

Get ready for the ride of your life.

You don’t have to convince the planet. You only have to convince yourself that you can be, do, or have anything that you want in this lifetime.

Create your own movie and live it full throttle.

Don’t listen to the news, your neighbor, your relatives, or anyone else that thinks that they have your best interests at heart.

Your best interests lie within you.

Don’t look anywhere outside of you.

Look inside as the wireless entity lives within you.

The universe has big eyes, big ears, and laser-focused attention on what you ask for, good, bad, or indifferent every single day of your life.

Do not be deceived by the autocratic nature of how you are going to achieve your heart’s desire, as this controlling force will crush any aspiration towards oblivion.

Remember, dinosaurs are long gone.

Be a game changer and reinvent your game every single day so you don’t become extinct.

You only need great affirming thoughts in order to attract more of the good stuff in your life.

Next time that someone asks how you are, respond with, “I’m blessed and getting better and better every single day. Thanks.”

Carpe Momentum

Franco Cianflone


Copyright Disclosure

All rights reserved

Copyright 2020

Mental Toughness For Life


While the designers, contributors, and author have used their best efforts in preparing these Power Action Blogs, they make no warranty or representation with respect to accuracy or completeness of the contents of this material and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability, finances, personal or medical remedy for a particular purpose. It is further acknowledged that no warranty, of any kind, may be created or extended by any written sales materials or sales representatives.

The advice and strategies contained herein might not be suitable for your situation and do contain risk including the risk of loss. You should always consult with a financial, medical, or legal professional where appropriate before undertaking any action and users of this material assume all risk. Neither the designers, editors, contributors nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to financial, special, incidental, consequential or other damages.



“All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness Power Action blog publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher or author. Requests to the author should be addressed to mtflseminars@usa.com.” — Copyright 2007, CIPO, USCO Mental Toughness For Life, Coach Franco Cianflone

“Bloom where you are planted.” - St. Francis de Sales 1567-1622

Nothing will ever be ideal.

Circumstances will not always be congenial.

You might not love your job, situation, supervisor, boss, or the co-worker that is making your life miserable.

However, refuse to submit to the thinking stuff that derails, immobilizes, manipulates, dictates and controls your daily efforts.

You are exactly where you are supposed to be right now in your life.

Plant the seed and begin creating your own circumstances with hope, love, joy, understanding, courage, and everything else that you can muster.

These circumstances only take place when you integrate belief with behavior.

This is known as praxis.

One without the other produces minimal results.

You’ve heard this many times.

Love what you do and the money will chase you.

It begs the question.

Is it a job or a vocation?

Plant your seed early in life and you will never have to work at a job that you absolutely hate.

Besides, a job is synonymous with just over broke.

You need to implant in your deeper mind what was given to you upon your creation.

You were created for abundance, wealth, greater expansion, and greater fulfillment.

 Set your sights so high and unimaginable that the naysayers will tell you that you can't do it.

When you have arrived at your chosen destination, they will ask you, “How did you do it?”

You will reply, imagination.

You impregnated the picture of what you wanted in your subconscious mind and mixed it with feeling and emotion.

Most people quit just before the blessing.

We're not talking about religion or dogma.

We are talking about spiritual awareness.

There is more grace, more peace, more light, and more happiness in this world because of you.

At this moment, you should clearly know what a blessing you are to the people in your life.

Great people are everywhere if you plant yourself in the right environment.

If you are driven internally, you are driven by your purpose and not by the status quo.

Set your sights right now on the environment that will allow you to grow and you will instantly find the right fit.

As a result, you will bloom right where you are planted.

Carpe Momentum

Franco Cianflone


Copyright Disclosure

All rights reserved

Copyright 2020

Mental Toughness For Life


While the designers, contributors, and author have used their best efforts in preparing these Power Action Blogs, they make no warranty or representation with respect to accuracy or completeness of the contents of this material and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability, finances, personal or medical remedy for a particular purpose. It is further acknowledged that no warranty, of any kind, may be created or extended by any written sales materials or sales representatives.

The advice and strategies contained herein might not be suitable for your situation and do contain risk including the risk of loss. You should always consult with a financial, medical, or legal professional where appropriate before undertaking any action and users of this material assume all risk. Neither the designers, editors, contributors nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to financial, special, incidental, consequential or other damages.



“All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness Power Action blog publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher or author. Requests to the author should be addressed to mtflseminars@usa.com.” — Copyright 2007, CIPO, USCO Mental Toughness For Life, Coach Franco Cianflone

“If you put yourself in a position where you have to stretch outside your comfort zone, then you are forced to expand your consciousness.”- Les Brown



Stretch and then some more.

This stretching causes some discomfort.

Ultimately, the discomfort turns into empowerment, fulfillment, and an incredible life that’s worth living.

In order to create this life worth living, we need to dismantle the picket fence mentality.

Many beautiful people have a picket fence mentality.

They absolutely know where their boundaries are located.

There are generally four solid corner posts that maintain their fence brilliantly.

These are fear, security, image, and purpose.

Don’t even think about moving their fence as this causes incredible stress and frustration in their lives.

They are going nowhere fast.

They don’t know that they don’t know.

They would love to attempt to change something in their lives but fear always blocks their path with anxiety, scarcity, and every other debilitating and toxic entity.

That corner post goes down very deep into their deeper minds and it is superbly entrenched.

The right side of the picket fence mentality is security. They believe that as long as the picket fence is sturdy, it will provide them with stability and longevity.

 Security does not exist.

 It is an idea that is outdated and purposeless as it prevents people from stretching from their picket fence mentality.

Be that slingshot in your life.

If you don’t stretch it, it won’t function optimally as intended.

You get it now.

Carpe Momentum

Franco Cianflone


Copyright Disclosure

All rights reserved

Copyright 2020

Mental Toughness For Life


While the designers, contributors, and author have used their best efforts in preparing these Power Action Blogs, they make no warranty or representation with respect to accuracy or completeness of the contents of this material and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability, finances, personal or medical remedy for a particular purpose. It is further acknowledged that no warranty, of any kind, may be created or extended by any written sales materials or sales representatives.

The advice and strategies contained herein might not be suitable for your situation and do contain risk including the risk of loss. You should always consult with a financial, medical, or legal professional where appropriate before undertaking any action and users of this material assume all risk. Neither the designers, editors, contributors nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to financial, special, incidental, consequential or other damages.




“All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness Power Action blog publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher or author. Requests to the author should be addressed to mtflseminars@usa.com.” — Copyright 2007, CIPO, USCO Mental Toughness For Life, Coach Franco Cianflone

“He broke the mold when He made you!“ - Joel Osteen

You were created for infinite greatness beyond your wildest dreams.

In order to manifest this into your life, you need to move from your safe zone to your faith zone.

The fuel that propels this greatness is your thought life.

Pay very close attention to this powerful energy.

In order to create this image of greatness, you need to continually 24/7 and 86,400 seconds of each day nurture it with powerful, proactive, deliberate, and sustained thought.

Just how quickly then are those thoughts bouncing around in there?

Every single thought that you impress into your brain travels at an incredible speed.

Thought is compared to the speed of light and science says that it travels at a speed of 186,000 miles per second. Furthermore, scientists tell us that thought travels 930,000 times faster than the sound of your voice.

All of these spoken or unspoken words create images that manifest into your reality and sooner or later you do not do what you intended. Your human personality is designed to manifest whatever is impressed into your glorious mind, good, bad, or indifferent.

However, many beautiful people travel through life not ever understanding the power of this energy.

Benjamin Disraeli expressed the powerful nature of this force with this, “Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think.”

The psychological cemetery is full of dead hopes, vanished dreams, and lost goals.

Our only defense is to continually feed our thought life with awareness and holistic knowledge that kills any chance of resurrecting that corpse.

 I call it the HSPP factor.

This thinking stuff is all about crushing the illusion that present circumstances control our lives, happiness, success, prosperity, and peace of mind.

Present circumstances are just that, present circumstances.

Not past or future, just present.

As a result of this thought process, we will learn how to win, grow, stretch and love our life as it was intended on the very first day of our creation.

Don’t look for the mold as it was broken the instant that you popped out of your mother’s womb.

Carpe Momentum

Franco Cianflone


Copyright Disclosure

All rights reserved

Copyright 2020

Mental Toughness For Life


While the designers, contributors, and author have used their best efforts in preparing these Power Action Blogs, they make no warranty or representation with respect to accuracy or completeness of the contents of this material and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability, finances, personal or medical remedy for a particular purpose. It is further acknowledged that no warranty, of any kind, may be created or extended by any written sales materials or sales representatives.

The advice and strategies contained herein might not be suitable for your situation and do contain risk including the risk of loss. You should always consult with a financial, medical, or legal professional where appropriate before undertaking any action and users of this material assume all risk. Neither the designers, editors, contributors nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to financial, special, incidental, consequential or other damages.



“All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness Power Action blog publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher or author. Requests to the author should be addressed to mtflseminars@usa.com.” — Copyright 2007, CIPO, USCO Mental Toughness For Life, Coach Franco Cianflone

So many people tiptoe through life, so carefully, to arrive, safely, at death.” - Jermaine Evans

You’ve asked these questions many times in your lifetime.

Why didn’t I take that job?

Why didn’t I move there?

Why was I afraid to take that promotion?

Why did I not change careers when I had the opportunity to do it?

Why didn’t I go back to school?




The questions are endless.

We didn’t do any of these things in our life because of fear.

Sure, we’ll rationalize that we didn’t have the money; the timing wasn’t good and all kinds of other common sense rationalizations.

Stop this nonsense!

Rationalization is rationing lies to our conscious mind.

These are lies and not truths about you, your goals, and aspirations.

Make a conscious effort immediately to eradicate this type of thinking, as it does not serve you.

It does not get you any closer to your goal.

It simply reinforces this four-letter word that we call fear.

The symphony of incredible music that lies dormant within your very being needs to be expressed.

Don’t arrive safely at the end of your journey with the music still inside of you.

Life is full of twists and turns.

If you’re constantly walking on eggshells and not willing to risk, life becomes mundane.

Muhammad Ali stated, “He who is not courageous enough not to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.”

Risk is the realization that you can be, do, or have more in your life.

This risk allows you to investigate and explore all possible options that allow you to grow as a valuable, nurturing and contributing individual.

Risk allows you to understand that success is a two-sided coin that has failure on the other side.

You cannot have one without the other.

When you risk, you open all types of possible opportunities that would be sadly missed.

Playing it safe?


Carpe Momentum

Franco Cianflone


Copyright Disclosure

All rights reserved

Copyright 2020

Mental Toughness For Life


While the designers, contributors, and author have used their best efforts in preparing these Power Action Blogs, they make no warranty or representation with respect to accuracy or completeness of the contents of this material and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability, finances, personal or medical remedy for a particular purpose. It is further acknowledged that no warranty, of any kind, may be created or extended by any written sales materials or sales representatives.

The advice and strategies contained herein might not be suitable for your situation and do contain risk including the risk of loss. You should always consult with a financial, medical, or legal professional where appropriate before undertaking any action and users of this material assume all risk. Neither the designers, editors, contributors nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to financial, special, incidental, consequential or other damages.


“All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness Power Action blog publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher or author. Requests to the author should be addressed to mtflseminars@usa.com.” — Copyright 2007, CIPO, USCO Mental Toughness For Life, Coach Franco Cianflone

“No one can drive us crazy unless we give them the keys.” - Doug Horton

Teach people how you want to be treated.


They will never know how until you provide them with the instructions.

Everything on the planet comes with instructions except this.

Depending on circumstances, they might show up as enablers or codependents.

Regardless of the term that is used, these people prevent you from growing towards your potential in this lifetime.

Basically, they are well-intentioned and wonderful human beings however they believe that their mission in life is to enable or to be a codependent to someone.

Do not get sucked into this scenario.

If you do, you will never leave your comfort zone and someone else will always be driving your bus.

Clearly communicate in a language that is straightforward and totally understandable without emotion.

You should be the only driver of your bus but we both know that this is not always the case.

Manipulators are everywhere and are excellent chameleons.

Manipulators love these people that do not teach them how they want to be treated.

Without an instruction manual, manipulators can get whatever they want all the time by focusing on their weaknesses.

These people are just like piranhas.

In order to move forward towards freedom, you must begin to teach people how you want to be treated.

It’s called terms of engagement.

 This is a must.

You must do this from the onset as no one can read your mind.

No one!

Be real and tell people who you really are from the very beginning.

You don’t have to be rude, intolerant, or stubborn but you must begin to be mentally tough.

Mentally tough implies that you understand emotional intelligence and compartmentalization.

Begin to think in a way that supports your self-esteem and in turn your approval seeking is no longer an issue with you.

It’s your bus.

It’s your life.

Now, start driving.

Carpe Momentum

Franco Cianflone


Copyright Disclosure

All rights reserved

Copyright 2020

Mental Toughness For Life


While the designers, contributors, and author have used their best efforts in preparing these Power Action Blogs, they make no warranty or representation with respect to accuracy or completeness of the contents of this material and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability, finances, personal or medical remedy for a particular purpose. It is further acknowledged that no warranty, of any kind, may be created or extended by any written sales materials or sales representatives.

The advice and strategies contained herein might not be suitable for your situation and do contain risk including the risk of loss. You should always consult with a financial, medical, or legal professional where appropriate before undertaking any action and users of this material assume all risk. Neither the designers, editors, contributors nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to financial, special, incidental, consequential or other damages.




“All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness Power Action blog publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher or author. Requests to the author should be addressed to mtflseminars@usa.com.” — Copyright 2007, CIPO, USCO Mental Toughness For Life, Coach Franco Cianflone

“People with honorary awards are looked upon with disfavor. Would you let an honorary mechanic fix your brand new Mercedes?” - Neil Simon

When you graduate from life with your final certificate that is etched in stone, what will it say?

Were you an honorary participant of life or did you step out and make it happen regardless of present circumstances?

It’s so easy to blame anything and everything for ones lot in life.

We are programmed to focus on the one that went sideways, the one that got away from us, the one that was disastrous and so on.

Rationalizations and excuses are plentiful and can be found anywhere.

We are all creators and unfortunately some of us stopped creating our lives years ago.

The upside of the coin is that you can begin anew any time and any place.

Focusing on past events, misfortunes and failures only strengthens the perceived power that it has over your life.

Stop driving in reverse.

Besides sooner or later you will develop a kinked neck.

Begin anew by not allowing present circumstances to dominate and control your thinking, your present moment happiness, or your decision-making.

Your X factor that resides in your psychological house is always lurking and waiting for any opportunity to pounce on you.

Your X factor is that controlling, dictatorial, manipulative and scheming psychological mechanism in everyone’s personality that prevents you from nurturing what you really want to do with your life.

 However, awareness provides you with that sixth sense that leads and guides you towards intelligent and proactive decisions.

You’ve heard this many times in various formats but here is one.

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.” - Bill Keane

So, go out and create your life so you have a say in what might be etched on that final certificate.

If you do, it won’t be an honorary one.

Carpe Momentum

Franco Cianflone


Copyright Disclosure

All rights reserved

Copyright 2020

Mental Toughness For Life


While the designers, contributors, and author have used their best efforts in preparing these Power Action Blogs, they make no warranty or representation with respect to accuracy or completeness of the contents of this material and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability, finances, personal or medical remedy for a particular purpose. It is further acknowledged that no warranty, of any kind, may be created or extended by any written sales materials or sales representatives.

The advice and strategies contained herein might not be suitable for your situation and do contain risk including the risk of loss. You should always consult with a financial, medical, or legal professional where appropriate before undertaking any action and users of this material assume all risk. Neither the designers, editors, contributors nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to financial, special, incidental, consequential or other damages.