08 Nov

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” - Albert Einstein

Gratitude opens the funnel of life and unleashes the creative process in each one of us. For many, it has been dormant for many years. We fail to appreciate all the gifts that have been given to us unconditionally. Essentially, we take them for granted. When this happens many of the present moment gifts go by the boards unnoticed.

However, gifts of gratitude are all around us. From time to time, we might have uneventful days that are filled with the “what if” questions. Suddenly as if from left field someone pops up with a lung machine or other handicap that causes us to wake up and appreciate what we already have in our lives.

The physical eye always triggers perception. However perception without acute awareness and based solely on conjecture is not sound.

Conversely, the God Power of Gratitude consciousness allows us to receive even more blessings in our lives. These blessings do appear in the form of disappointments, failures or unfortunate events. They are in disguise.

Utilizing this spirit of gratitude will create the true blessings without the disguise as the inner eye of understanding supersedes our physical eyes.

Carpe Momentum

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Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training