21 Sep


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"These most recent charges serve as a stark warning to online harassers that their conduct can attract ... serious criminal sanctions. This has been a precedent-setting case from the beginning. It demonstrates that the criminal justice system is taking internet harassment seriously.” – David Georgetti

The above is an excerpt from a published news article by Eric Rankin on September 19, 2020.


Hate begets hate and haters ultimately self implode as demonstrated in the above news article.

Hate begets hate.

Plain and simple.

What’s the solution?

Martin Luther King Jr. stated, “Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

Let’s talk about the love and light that can drive out hate as described by Martin Luther King Jr.

Imagine what these people could do if they exerted the same amount of energy into the polar opposite of hate.

The polar opposite of haters are people who are inspired.

Their spiritual edge provides them with a sixth sense. This spiritual edge provides them with the freedom that is the innate quest of all human beings that breathe and live passionately not only through their words but their action.

Everyone is engaged in his or her own metamorphosis similar to a butterfly. However, this life cycle is different for everyone. No one ever arrives as we are always growing and learning.

These people are inspired beyond the usual parameters of human inspiration.

This inspiration is embedded into their DNA.

My personal definition for DNA is, dare to nurture all that is within you.

A lot of beautiful people are inspired to a degree however when life smashes them in the face they succumb to the energy of the enemy. I prefer to call it the X factor but you can give it any label that you wish.

Your X is where you are now and your y represents where you want to strive towards in your life.

The X factor has one mission and that is to bring you down and prevent you from growing inspirationally.

Its primary purpose is to convince you that in order to understand life, one can only view it with the sensory factors; i. e. see, hear, smell, taste and touch.

This infamous X factor will do absolutely anything to manipulate you in anyway possible by digging into its bag of tricks in order to deceive you.

Its ploy always appears to be rational but it is deception at the highest level. Any attempt to utilize the intellectual faculties; i.e. will, intuition, memory, perception, imagination, and reason are immediately squashed.

The X factor loves to maintain control by keeping most people prisoners in their limbic system of their brain. The emotional fallout rests here and is intense. It is a self-imposed prison sentence.

Being stuck sucks and these people are not immune to this syndrome. In order to get back on track, they step up their awareness acutely by invoking their intellectual faculties.

As a result, these people are inspired regardless of present circumstances, as they understand that present circumstances do not count.


They have an incessant intention to move forward as they continually walk through the fire towards their victory and success while others are looking at the fire.

Their persistent desire is not to lose their spiritual edge.

They simply accomplish this by not focusing on present circumstances, as present circumstances are continually moving and changing.

This constant and persistent daily inspiration lays the foundation for their legacy after they are no longer here.

They don’t want to simply exist. They want to live vibrantly and fully in every single aspect of their evolving life.

They are driven internally and are driven by their inspired, spiritual purpose.

These individuals strive and work towards something huge in their life and as a result they feel alive and vibrant. Every single cell of their body says onward.

The X factor is saying that they’ve had enough but something inside of them is pressing them to move forward.

They are not impervious to life’s ups and downs but rather they press on with a spiritual fortitude and free will that was endowed to them by their creator.

Their ongoing daily inspiration allows them to create wonderful things for all of humanity regardless of ethnicity, religion, color etc.

They respect and love people.

Their inspiration lifts people to where they could be and not where they currently exist.

These people are inspired.

These people inspire.

Now light and love as described in Martin Luther King’s quote above reigns.

Carpe Momentum

Franco Cianflone


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Mental Toughness For Life Podcast



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