"Rewire your brain & catapult your results in life and business." COPYRIGHT DISCLOSURE “All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness For Life Publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the author.

“I truly believe that if we keep telling the Christmas story, singing the Christmas songs, and living the Christmas spirit, we can bring joy and happiness and peace to this world." - Norman Vincent Peale

Merry Christmas and all the best for 2020.

The Christmas spirit that Norman Vincent Peale referred to in his quote above represents the HSPP factor.

Happiness, success, prosperity and peace of mind is my intention for all people everywhere on this beautiful planet in 2020.

Let this be a frequency that resonates to all regardless of culture.

Jesus Christ is born.

God bless you today and always.

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training

Copyright 2019

Carpe Momentum

 “A clear vision, backed by definite plans, gives you a tremendous feeling of confidence and personal power.” – Brian Tracy

He started as a sales trainee in Iowa. He hated to make his customers wait for anything while he did paperwork. In 1945 he went on his own with only $5000 of his own money and moved to Arkansas.

His landlord wanted to buy his business because it was so successful and he refused to renew his lease when he didn't want to sell.

He hit the rode and looked for another location. He was so bent on not been kicked out again that he insisted on a 99-year lease.

His vision never waned.

At this point, his continued but rapid success prompted him to mortgage absolutely everything that he had on his vision. People around his inner circle said that he was crazy and would be bankrupt.

He pushed forward in spite of criticism and was the first to embrace technology when everyone else was sleeping.

In 1970 he went public and the company exploded.

In 1989 he was diagnosed with bone cancer but that didn’t stop him.

In 1992 he was awarded the Medal of Freedom by the US President.

When he died in 1992, his personal net worth was $25 Billion.

Today the vision that he created in 1945 has generated $514.4 Billion in revenue in 2019 and 2.2 million associates worldwide.

And it all started with a picture.

You know him as Sam Walton a.k.a. Wal-Mart.

Carpe Momentum

Copyright 2019

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training


“Many people are alive but don’t touch the miracle of being alive.” - Thích Nhất Hạnh

These two words eat and great are intertwined for a reason.

You have to eat every single day intellectually, emotionally, spiritually and physically to become great.

Everyone clearly knows what needs to be done.

Only the ones with the lion’s integrity, resolve, persistence and watchful eye will ever reach the pinnacle of their desire outcome.

Well-intentioned people will always try to bury you but they have no clue that you planted your seed and that you were the seed on the onset.

Seek to be more aware each day so that every molecule of your being is burning with a desire to be, do or have more in your life.

Eat to be great every single day.

Soon, others will be asking you, “How do you what you do?”

Carpe Momentum

Copyright 2019

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” – Author unknownMisattributed quote by many sources to Mahatma Ghandi 

Regardless of who actually said the above quote, the words are powerful as it pertains to many individuals throughout history.

These are individuals who were not afraid to take a stand for their purpose in life. In the beginning of anything great, it is hard but the quote above will provide you with the tenacity that we all need in order not to pack up our suitcase and go home.

This individual was ignored, laughed at, fought with and then ultimately won. One of the most amazing aspects of his life is the fact that when he reached the age of sixty-five he found himself penniless and practically on the street. His retirement income was in the form of his first social security check in the amount of $105.00.

All his life he was very passionate about creating something great. While most people believed in the status quo of retirement he opted to sell his passion to the world and go for “attirement” instead.

With little in hand, he traveled door to door to houses and businesses all over. He was met with many obstacles everywhere.

"Give it up already", they told him. He heard many no’s. History states that he probably heard 1,009 no’s.

At that point, he was at the fight or flight juncture. Should he quit or press on? 

By 1964, he had 600 businesses selling his trademark. Later, he sold his company for $2,000,000 dollars.

Instantly, he became a celebrity. At age 65, when most retire, he created a global empire. Today his global empire is worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

Who is he? 

None other than Colonel Harland David Sanders, founder of KFC.

What are you willing to give up in order to succeed, get what you want and live a vibrant, purposeful life?

Carpe Momentum

Copyright 2019

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training


“Just keep your conscious mind busy with expectation of the best.” - Joseph Murphy

Are you a conscious competent or an unconscious competent?

If conditions and circumstances are controlling your results then you are living 100% on the physical plane of life via your sensory factors; see, here, smell, taste and touch.

Thinking is our highest functioning and mental activity does not constitute thinking. Your higher faculties is what separates you from all the rest of the animal kingdom.

The first type of individual is a conscious competent. This is an individual that is absolutely aware of the results that they receive. They clearly know why and how they obtain these results.

Understanding this allows them to continually work and live by design therefore achieving their desired results.

On the polar opposite, we have the individual that is the unconscious competent. These individuals still receive some results in their lives and in their business but basically they're operating by default and autopilot.

They're not working by design and therefore there is a yo-yo effect in obtaining results.

They are up and down intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, physically and financially as the ego dominates their thoughts, feelings, actions and ultimate results.

If you want less drama in your life, strive to be a conscious competent.

Doing this allows you to better navigate the twists and turns of life.  

Carpe Momentum

Copyright 2019

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training


“We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.” - Buddha

You must make a conscious effort 86,400 seconds of every single day to decide and choose what you’re going to think about.

Daily practice allows you to turn this into a habit and then you don’t even have to think about it any longer.

You just do it!

If you’re not going to choose your thinking, your autopilot and default programming will determine not only your attitude but all the results that you will ever hope to obtain in this lifetime.

You can choose exactly what you're going to accept and what you're not going to accept.

You remain in control but you have to seize this opportunity and act.

Determination, openness, understanding, compassion and purpose will be your mental toughness armor.

Choose your thoughts.

They ultimately become the unfolding picture of your life.

Carpe Momentum

Copyright 2019

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training


“Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.” – Nido R. Qubein

Experiencing failure early in life creates a catalyst for either growth or death. There will always be challenges, obstacles and mountains to move, however failing is a part of succeeding and you can't have one without the other.

Think of a coin. There are two sides and you can't have one without the other. It's all about present circumstances and ones ability to compartmentalize. 

Present circumstances do not count as they are always changing.

But who wants to fail?

People everywhere on the planet will do everything in their power to avoid failure. They will take shortcuts, create maneuvers and avoid obstacles at every turn.

However this strategy ultimately derails their success. They believe that they are in the process of circumvention however that is not reality.

Rationalization comes into play and non-reality becomes reality. Rationalization is the input of non-truths to the conscious mind. Essentially, they are lies and not truths. 

Ultimately, most people give up and pack up their suitcase. They will rationalize with hundreds of excuses why they couldn’t do what they wanted to do.

When an individual realizes that failure is a definite part of success everything starts working the way it was intended. Don't be in the status quo camp that follow the masses like a bunch of sheep, rather move forward and Godward with ideas that will begin to transform your life from the inside out.

Learn to utilize failure as a catalyst for change; proactive change that leads to massive success.

 Carpe Momentum

Copyright 2019

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training

"People who love themselves don't hurt other people. The more we hate ourselves, the more we want others to suffer." - Dan Pearce

Cyber bullying and harassment in society today is rampant. Some social media open platforms are flourishing financially and will do anything to promote more dialogue good, bad or indifferent. Unfortunately and as a result, many people have resorted to the court of Facebook and others as they can easily hide behind the veil of anonymity and spew hatred, intolerance and everything else that falls into this category. 

These people are actually decent human beings with families and jobs but somehow got caught up in online mobs that are no different than street mobs anywhere on the planet.

All it takes is one or two individuals that believe that their mission in life is to defame, slander, intimidate and persecute individuals. In most cases, they spew without performing their due diligence regarding the facts as their ongoing dialogue inspires more hatred based on conjecture.

Taking their perceived plight to a civil court is unimaginable, as then the rule of law would apply and they would have to terminate their bullying or harassment.

Who are these people? 

They are your neighbors next-door, people across the street, others in your city, in another province or state or across the globe. 

Most often as a result of intensive forensic investigation their real identities, location and workplaces are revealed. Some victims of the bullying and harassment have opted to publish similar vindictive group or individual pages that exposes the actual name(s) of the perpetrator(s).

No one wins in the scenario described above.

The only winner is the open platform that continues to gain momentum financially. Finally, the greatest weapon in the universe is to extend love and compassion and pray for these people.

Sasha Baron Cohen, the recipient of the Anti-Defamation League’s international leadership award recently delivered a speech. This is the link and begins at 9:35 in the video.


Carpe Momentum

Copyright 2019

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training

"All good men and women must take responsibility to create legacies that will take the next generation to a level we could only imagine." - Jim Rohn

What legacy do you want to leave your loved ones?

Are they really going to care about all the online, offline fallout, likes, dislikes etc.? When you are long gone, your loved ones will only want to treasure a memory or story that you shared with them and not the nonsense that goes on today.

A few years ago, there was an elderly gentleman that hopped on a bus in San Jose, Texas. The bus was completely full except for one seat next to a young lady.

The gentleman sat down beside the young lady and proceeded to wait for his stop. He quickly noticed that the young lady was attracted to the beautiful bouquet of flowers that he held in his hands. The bouquet was full and exquisite. After ten minutes or so, the young lady persisted with her attraction for the bouquet of flowers. Finally, the elderly gentleman turned towards her and said, "You seem to be so attracted by the beauty of these flowers".

"I think that I will just give them to you as a gift as you seem to love them so much". The young lady was so happy and delighted by his gesture. Then the gentlemen continued to say, "I'll just tell my wife that you loved them so much that I decided to give them to you as a gift."

The elderly gentleman arrived at his stop and got off the bus. As the bus drove off, the young lady looked out the window and saw that the man was entering the nearby cemetery.

You never know how your words or actions impact people. Everyone matters regardless of religion, color or anything else that might describe an individual.

What legacy are you going to leave?

Carpe Momentum

Copyright 2019

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training


“Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.” -  Lao Tzu

You don't need their approval. You never did. You plopped out of your mother's womb and there you were naked and beautiful in your entire splendour.

Did someone say, "I don't think I like this baby? Maybe we should send it back to God”. I don't think so. You didn't need their approval then. You don't need their approval now and you don't need their approval ever.

Everything has a price and the price of approval is stress and anxiety. You don't need it and it's time to dump it. In order to avoid conflict, approval seekers are always willing to give in and accept the status quo.

You see it’s this conflict issue that always stifles approval seekers. Approval and self-esteem are two sides of the same coin. They are co-dependent and are continually trying to build each other up.

Manipulators love these approval seekers as they can get whatever they want all the time by focusing on their weaknesses. These people are just like piranhas.

In order to move forward towards freedom, you must begin to teach people how you want to be treated.

It’s called terms of engagement. This is a must. You must do this from the onset as no one can read your mind.

No one!

Don’t be a chameleon. Be real and tell people who you really are and what your boundaries are from the very beginning.

You don’t have to be rude, intolerant or stubborn but you must begin to be mentally tough.

Carpe Momentum

Copyright 2019

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training


“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” - William Faulkner

Be resilient. Be resolved. Always remain integral regardless of present circumstances and the truth will set you free. 

When I was 12 years old, I swam the lake in Saskatchewan. This lake has very high sodium, magnesium and potassium salt content as it is a lake onto itself and provides swimmers with the ability to float without any effort. You probably couldn’t drown if you wanted. Be resilient like that lake. Be buoyant, push upward, recover quickly and get back to the business of working towards your goal.

 When there are issues that cause you to derail or immobilize you, stop, think and create other possibilities that are already there for you. These obstacles will cause you to think on a deeper level and discover hidden solutions that would have never surfaced for you.

You owe it to yourself, your loved ones, your friends, your local community and the greater global arena of life.

Don’t die with the music inside of you. Express your greatness and give humanity your talents, expertise, compassion, love and everything that is inside that beautiful body that we call a human being.

It’s called a being because it is a living organism with life and vitality.

Go out there and claim what is rightfully yours and remember what I said.

You can do whatever you want in life intellectually, emotionally, spiritually physically and financially as long as you do not violate the rights of any other human being.

You do this by standing your ground for honesty, truth and compassion.

The truth will always prevail!

Carpe Momentum

Copyright 2019

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training


“Everyone on the planet is on a different frequency so in order to relay your message more effectively reduce the dissonance by listening instead of hearing.” - SYXFAWFL

Everyone has so much to say every single day of his or her existence.

Exchange of dialogue is great however allowing the other individual to express him or herself is crucial regarding the outcome.

Hearing is not listening.

Listening implies that you are an active participant in the interaction of ideas.

When you are an active participant, you don’t jump in and interrupt.

You listen and then process the dialogue in order to contribute to it effectively.

Are you simply hearing and creating your exchange in your mind rather than listening?

Carpe Momentum

Copyright 2019

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training