"Rewire your brain & catapult your results in life and business." COPYRIGHT DISCLOSURE “All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness For Life Publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the author.

"Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about." - Winston Churchill

Born in England his father was a bus driver and his mother worked as a supermarket cashier. In school he had been bullied and that experience may have made him lack self-confidence.

He worked as a manager at a mobile phone store.

His life would never be the same.

He had a dream and a burning desire to accomplish something great in his life.

We know him as Paul Robert Potts.

On June 17, 2007 he won “Britain's Got Talent”. 

As of May 2009 he had accumulated wealth of £5 million. Today he travels worldwide and has earned well over 10 million.

Believe in yourself.

Confide in yourself and you will develop confidence.

You will never know what you are capable of achieving until you stretch and open the black door.

The black door represents the infinite possibilities that lie ahead of you eagerly waiting for your embrace.

Watch the video clip and have some tissue handy! 


Never underestimate what’s inside of you that make you such an amazing and special human being with gifts that need to be expressed.

Coach Franco

Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training

Copyright 2020





“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.” – Mother Theresa

“Hey Ben, I heard that you were coming back to Earth soon. You’ve been on Mars for almost 20 years. Right?”

“Coming back soon, Hal. I didn’t think that I would be coming back when I left 20 years ago on that lottery ticket to Mars.”

“Ben, you wouldn’t recognize the place. Everything has changed.”

“Really? Is everyone still on social media, Hal?”

“Not really. Social media turned into a social mess.” 

“What do you mean, Hal?”

“Thank God for Generation Alpha and beyond as these kids started to change things up big time. They wanted their kids to have the best that life could offer.They became the wealthiest, best educated and the most incredibly tech savvy generation. They soon realized that the social media giants were getting richer and richer off the backs of previous generations so they stopped advertising with these online giants. Soon, most of the companies faded away as that was their main source of income”.

“Wow, that’s too bad. A lot of people lost their jobs Hal.”

“No Ben, this Alpha group created other giants that gave super autonomy to individuals, companies, corporations so everyone could grow and prosper. That old stuff that you grew up with is long gone.”

“What do you mean Hal?” 

“Well, anyone that wanted to use the Alpha group’s online platforms had to have an encrypted human ID microchip inserted into their body in order to verify their identity.”

“That’s crazy.” 

"Crazy or not, it’s here Ben and besides it’s effortless and painless.”

“Well, how is everything else?”

“People are actually talking to each other again and thanks to the Alpha group life is better and more human in spite of the AI development.”

“Are you ready to come back Ben? 

It’s really a different world but I think that you will love it now.”

“Thanks Hal. I’ll send you a thought wave message when I’m ready to land.”

“Safe travels Ben.”

Coach Franco

Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training

Copyright 2020



“This stuff can’t talk but it can hear and if you call it, it will come.” - Ray Stanford

Yes, call it and it will come. It doesn’t matter what language you speak.

What really matters are the words that are expressed into this thing called money.

Stop reciting lack and limitation scripts to yourself as the Universe is always listening and it does not have a sense of humor.

For this to become real in your life you must understand what the late Keith Harrell stated, “Don’t forget, the best coach with the strongest power over your performance is the coach that lives within you.”

The most amazing coach on the planet is you. 

However, most people are seeking outwardly what they already have within themselves.

Looking outward is not the answer.

Look inside and realize that what you are seeking is already seeking you. 

You were created for abundance and wealth and not lack and limitation.

You were created for greatness and that greatness lies within you.

From the very first moment that you breathed your first breath, greatness was born.

From this moment onward, speak only words of abundance and wealth.

Coach Franco

Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training

Copyright 2020


“When you speak, speak with few words but allow your words to impact people by empowering them towards their greater unfoldment.” - Coach Franco

Be the solution that you seek by being a F. I. R. E. individual that inspires, motivates, speaks and writes empowering words that propel people forward.

Fantastically Inspired Raw Energy people are individuals that absolutely understand that you can have fun and still accomplish your goals for the day, week and month.

They are experts at what they do.

These are people that require no micromanaging whatsoever.

They even know the answer before you ask them. 

They are so good at what they do, as they are continually honing their skills by reading, writing, researching and continually asking the hard questions that will propel them towards the next level.

No one has to babysit these people as they’re so intrinsically driven that results show up every single time.

It almost appears that their results are effortless. They just know what to do.

Present them with a scenario that requires a solution and instantly they will provide you with a solid plan with all the details that will solve the issue at hand.

Are they extraterrestrial?

No way.

They have blood flowing through their veins just like you and I.

Coach Franco

Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training

Copyright 2020

“Your worth is not measured in likes, comments, notes or followers, but in your ability to love, keep comments to yourself, take note and lead.” - Dulce Ruby

Are you a member of the Silent Generation, Baby Boomer, Generation X, Millennial or Generation Z?

Regardless of where you are, social media giants have profited immensely as they have profiled these populations perfectly.

The research indicates that 97% of the account holders are approval seekers.

Thus, likes, dislikes, comments etc. are plentiful on open platforms everywhere.

Seriously, who really cares?

Most people are so caught up in their own lives, careers, goals, relationships, families, kids etc. that they don’t have any remaining precious time to devote to the online banter. 

This represents the other 3% of the planet.

After it’s all said and done, the Golden Rule is still the best regardless of generational descriptions as it clearly states, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

 Coach Franco

Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training

Copyright 2020


“People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they’re not on your road doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost.” - Dalai Lama

Recently, I asked this question to a young gentleman that was in the same hospital room as my brother.

”Greg, what would you really love to do with your life if money wasn’t an issue?”

His eyes lit up instantly. In a spirit of passion and excitement he mentioned that he wanted to become an online game designer.

You see this young man had made some very poor choices and was now in the hospital waiting for the amputation of several fingers and toes due to extreme frostbite.

According to his account, his girlfriend kicked him out of the house without any appropriate clothing or shoes and as a result he spent twelve hours in a frozen garage that he had broken into in an attempt to stay warm. His intoxication and lack of warm clothing caused him incredible pain and injury. He was subsequently arrested by the police and brought to the hospital.

The point here is really not the incident in question but rather the idea of what Greg would really want to do with his life.

What do you want?

Most people will answer this question according to their ability to make money and not their love for their chosen vocation or activity.

Do what you love and the money will chase you?

Sounds great but it is very scary for most people, as they want the ending before they begin their journey.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work this way. 

You have to take calculated risks.

You have to believe in yourself and the creative process.

Coach Franco

Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training

Copyright 2020


“I think a hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” – Christopher Reeve

Clarence Smithson said it best. “Faith is the ability to see the invisible and believe in the incredible and that is what enables believers to receive what the masses think is impossible”.

Most people have a hero in their lives. Sometimes, it’s a Father, Mother, Sister, and Brother, Teacher, friend or almost anyone that has accomplished something that appears to be impossible.

These heroes embrace life with piranha activity. When everyone is starting to relax into the status quo mode they pick up steam and energize towards their finish line. More importantly, they are who they are and no one else.

Heroes go out and claim what is rightfully theirs, as they understand that no one on the planet is going to give it to them on a silver platter.

They ask for it with confidence, respect, integrity and love.

When you no longer need anyone to motivate you, you become self-motivated and you have entered the hall of fame of life.

Heroes have a spiritual edge and you have a spiritual edge.

Your spiritual edge provides you with a sixth sense. This spiritual edge provides you with the freedom that is the innate quest of all human beings that breathe and live passionately not only through their words but their action.

Everyone is engaged in his or her own metamorphosis similar to a butterfly. However, this life cycle is different for everyone. 

No one ever arrives as we are always growing and learning.

You are your own hero. 

Be heroic and change the world.

Coach Franco

Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training

Copyright 2020


 “When something gets stuck in your brain and you find yourself obsessing, you need to clear a path for your mind and body to function properly.” – Barton Goldsmith Ph.D.

You’ve heard this many times that salt and pepper go together.

Would you ever put salt and pepper in the same container?

Of course not! 

However, people do this every single day of their lives.

They place salt, pepper, issues, drama, discourse, anger, distrust and anything else that causes distress into one container.

Ultimately, everything tastes terrible and life becomes overwhelming.

It is much better to place all of the above in separate containers and then deal with them more efficiently.

We have five containers or boxes that carry the label of intellectual, emotional, spiritual, physical and financial.

These five boxes allow one to compartmentalize many issues that life presents to us every single day of our existence.

Here’s how it works in real life.

Thoughts, feelings etc. via the physical senses, enter the brain at the spinal cord and have to travel all the way to the front of the brain before anyone can think rationally about the experience.

All this stuff has to travel through the limbic system (feeling) before it gets to the area where rational thought is experienced.

It’s not that complicated as when we are so tightly wound up with the issue, it has very little chance of getting to the front of the brain.

We've all been there.

Now, remember to keep your salt and pepper in separate containers.

Coach Franco

Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training

Copyright 2020


“Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” - Michael Jordan

When you strive and work towards something huge in your life you feel alive and vibrant. Every single cell of your body says thank you to you.

You will think that you’ve had enough but something inside of you is pressing you to move forward.

What is it?

It’s that burning desire within you that is seeking expression without, regardless of present circumstances.

Don’t quit as you are almost there. Persist and continue to move forward no matter what. You must believe in yourself. You must believe that you are special and unique.

This persistence stuff is developed.

You don’t find it in a drink or medication.

You dig down deep within your inner core and do whatever you must do in order to take you to your destination.

How do I do this?

You read, listen, walk, jog, pray, intend, believe in yourself until you break the barrier.

If it were easy, everyone on the planet would do what you want to do with your life or business.

How do I break the barrier of resistance?

You do this with persistence.

Make persistence a daily activity until it becomes a habit. When there are supposed obstacles in your ways simply say next.




Ultimately, you develop such resilience that issues automatically go into their respective boxes.

Compartmentalization is very effective and allows one to move forward and Godward.

Is this easy?

Not in your life!

This takes persistent, proactive and incredible faith in yourself that you can do it.

Coach Franco

Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training

Copyright 2020





“If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.” – Paulo Coelho

Saying goodbye is never easy.

Saying goodbye to a relationship, loved one, friend or vocation is hard.

Our hard-wired mind always wants us to focus on the issue, the tragedy, the loss or whatever.

Of course we need to process the issue, the tragedy, the loss etc. so it does not have any opportunity to find a lodging in your subconscious mind and continue to create havoc for years on end.

Trust your inner being that is desperately pleading with you to open a new door and say hello.

Do not succumb to this psychological warfare as some people simply become stuck and do not move on with their lives.

Being stuck really sucks so be very diligent about asking yourself the hard questions.

What was the relationship, loved one, friend or vocation really all about?

What did I learn?

The key is to experience and process the event to the best of your ability and often, this requires some time and effort.

If you’re saying goodbye to a relationship, the following is how I processed it years ago. The link for the musical selection is listed below.



Coach Franco

Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training

Copyright 2020

“When a person takes responsibility for their life and the results they are obtaining, they will cease to blame others as the cause of their results. Since you cannot change other people, blame is inappropriate. Blaming others causes a person to remain bound in a prison of their own making. When you take responsibility, blame is eliminated and you are free to grow.” - Val Van De Wall


X was four years old when his parents divorced. He went back and forth from the west coast to the east for many years, being shipped back and forth between his parents. At age six, he was molested. 

He had an IQ of 143. X was very; very intelligent however lacked focus due to fact that he could not concentrate on anything for any length of time. He always said that he was bored. In his junior year, he quit high school, left home and began to travel. It wasn’t long before he ran with the wrong crowd.

He joined a gang and started using and selling drugs. Crime was part of his life now and he had to collect unpaid drug money for the gang. At one point he almost killed a man for refusing to pay his drug debt to the gang. He was imprisoned for his activity for five years. The drugs and the crime led him to drinking. He could easily drink himself into a stupor most days. 

Ultimately, his drinking caught up to him and he realized that it was either his bottle or his life. 

Today, he is drug and alcohol free and no one would ever recognize him from his former life. 

His question was, “Why didn’t I meet you 25 years ago?” 

The answer is not that easily answered as you can’t change anyone on the planet. 

You can’t even change yourself. 

People can only change themselves if they desire to do so. 

However, you can help them or yourself by introducing ideas that are purposeful, fruitful and impactful that alters any controlling paradigm. 

Doing this will unleash The Final Piece Of The Puzzle for you. 

This is only the beginning of an endless journey towards self-discovery and awareness and as Val Van De Wall stated, “you are free to grow.”

Coach Franco

Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training

Copyright 2020



“You should never be satisfied – happy, but not satisfied. Dissatisfaction is a creative state. It took you out of the cave and put you into the condominium. It gave you the wheel, the fax and the furnace. Dissatisfaction gave you and me a lifestyle that is the envy of the world.” – Bob Proctor

Talk is cheap. 

Walk your talk and really do something to change your life right now. 

My Father Francesco Gaetano (1911-1995) would always say when I was growing up, “No one is born learned. It takes years to develop your skills, but don’t take years.” 

In other words, he was saying, carpe momentum. Seize the moment.

Be real.

Be you.

Don’t promise what you clearly know you cannot deliver. 

Under promise and over deliver. 

This has been my unswerving mandate to corporations everywhere regardless of present circumstances. 

Winning is synonymous to the latter and listening and not just hearing is the key.

My beautiful Serafina has a perfect quote for winning in life. “If you promise people the moon, make sure you have a ladder high enough.”

How high is your ladder? 

The height of your ladder is contingent upon your plan for success.

That one thousand piece puzzle has many, individual parts. In order for the puzzle to be complete and accurate all the individual pieces must be cut accurately so they all fit together. 

It begins with a picture that creates more order, less doubt, less fear and less confusion. If one or two pieces are not cut accurately the entire puzzle is thrown into disarray. 

Similarly, life is much the same.

Any goal, aspiration or dream requires a plan. The plan doesn’t have to be perfect as there will be modifications as we journey towards our desired goal.

However, if the initial plan is not solid and cannot stand on its own without constant revisiting, the end result will be flawed.

Coach Franco

Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training

Copyright 2020