"Rewire your brain & catapult your results in life and business." COPYRIGHT DISCLOSURE “All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness For Life Publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the author.

“Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.” – Earl Nightingale

What are you willing to give up in order to get what you want?

It’s called a worthy ideal.

Something that is worth your time, money, persistence, and determination etc.

Absolutely everyone has experienced failure in his or her pursuit of success. Experiencing failure early in life creates a catalyst for either growth or death. There will always be challenges, obstacles and mountains to move, however failing is a part of succeeding and you can't have one without the other.

Think of a coin. 

There are two sides and you can't have one without the other. The more that one fails, the more that one succeeds but the wins will far outweigh the losses.

It's all about present circumstances and one's ability to compartmentalize.

Present circumstances do not count as they are always changing.

But who wants to fail? People everywhere on the planet will do everything in their power to avoid failure. 

They will take shortcuts, create maneuvers and avoid obstacles at every turn.

However this strategy ultimately derails their success. They believe that they are in the process of circumvention however that is not reality.

Rationalization comes into play and non-reality becomes reality. Rationalization is the input of non-truths to the conscious mind. 

Essentially, they are lies and not truths. Ultimately, most people give up and pack up their suitcase. They will rationalize with hundreds of excuses why they couldn’t do what they wanted to do.

When an individual realizes that failure is a definite part of success everything starts working the way it was intended.

Coach Franco

Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training 

Copyright 2020



“Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

There is only one key with the correct configuration that can open the front door of your home, office or car. 

The identical principle works with all of your results good, bad or indifferent. 

The configuration has to match the expected outcome. 

Any deviation whatsoever from this configuration, will derail, immobilize and frustrate any sane individual that is attempting to move forward with his life or business. 

It’s like playing Russian roulette with your life or business.

Create a picture so pristine that there is no question whatsoever what the intended outcome will be.

Let me ask you a question right now. 

What color is your front door? 

You probably answered this question with lightning speed but this is what actually happens when your picture is crystal clear.

When I asked you to think of your front door, I activated vocal chords. 

I set up a sound. It’s a light message. 

Your hearing sense picked it up and that light message went screaming down a nerve passage way and struck a group of cells in your brain (cells of recognition). 

Those cells increased in amplitude of vibration and the picture that’s in them flashed on the screen of your mind.

It’s not rocket science.

Coach Franco

Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training

Copyright 2020

“What oxygen is to the lungs, such is hope to the meaning of life” - Emil Brunner

Hope is the necessary fuel that propels your life towards events and circumstances that you desire and deserve.

Hope also ignites powerful ideas that begin as a fantasy; moves into a theory and ultimately manifests itself into a fact.

This ingredient alone provides you with more energy, more passion, and more determination.

Simply more of everything in order to accomplish what you want!

If you’re breathing, and not simply on life support, you must possess a belief system of attitudes and values that are continually evolving

Without hope, one is barely existing.

Sometime ago, I met an individual that was being treated with an experimental drug for stage four cancer. He mentioned that he didn’t have much faith in the drug and its possibility of slowing down the cancer before it's too late.

I said, “What happens when everyone tells you to fold your suitcase and go home and die?”

He replied, “Don’t be offended but I don’t believe in religion or God.”

I said, “ I’m not referring to religion but rather a spiritual awareness of something greater than all of us.”

Before I left, I said to him, “Do you believe in hope?”

After that last question, there was a still calmness in the air.

Coach Franco

Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training

Copyright 2020


“After all the cheers have died down and the stadium is empty, after the headlines have been written, and after you are back in the quiet of your room and the championship ring has been placed on the dresser and after all the pomp and fanfare have faded, the enduring thing that is left is the dedication to doing with our lives the very best we can to make the world a better place in which to live.” - Vince Lombardi

Sounds like Vince Lombardi was an incredible F. I. R. E. individual that led and inspired people all over.

This acronym wasn’t even invented when Vince Lombardi was alive, as I hadn’t written the book yet.

F. I. R. E. people want more. 

They are always aiming and stretching for something that they know that they can’t hit with 100% certainty. 

They believe in themselves beyond present circumstances and are unwilling to quit. 

They’re open to new ideas even though they appear to be out of their comfort zone, vividly imagining the end result with such a clear picture before it even comes to fruition.

They continually exceed their expectations with piranha like determination that leads to unparalleled success.


They go out and claim what is rightfully theirs without violating the rights of any other human being.

They understand that obstacles can’t stop them. Problems can’t stop them. Other people can’t stop them.

The only one that can stop them is themselves so they get out of their way and make it happen.

That was Vince Lombardi and that’s why they renamed the Super Bowl trophy to the Vince Lombardi trophy.

Coach Franco

Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training

Copyright 2020


“Two things define you: Your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you have everything.” - George Bernard Shaw

Today almost everyone wants what he or she wants yesterday.

Patience appears to be a lost virtue.

In fact, hardly anyone wants to wait for anything.

However, waiting creates the psychological stamina to withstand most of the twenty-first century storms.   

Thomas A. Edison was an expert when it came to waiting. He made more than 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb.

Most people would have packed up their suitcase.

So, how many times do you take a stab at something before you give up?

Remember these important facts about patience.

Joseph waited 13 years.

Abraham waited 25 years, Moses waited 40 years and Jesus waited 30 years.

If waiting is your game just know that you are in awesome company.

Embrace the journey and reject middle of the road mentality, easy, directionless activity, impatience, and ordinary, rash, tentative, yielding and intolerance where circumstances always rule your behavior.


Not in your life!

Coach Franco

Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training

Copyright 2020

“The World Class is comfortable being uncomfortable.” – Steve Siebold

Who wants to be uncomfortable?


Anytime you attempt to do something new or different, the amygdala raises its protective, prehistoric armor in order to shield you from potential harm.

You must resist this and push forward as long as there is no real imminent danger to you or anyone else.

It will always feel uncomfortable when you try to either eradicate or move your picket fence boundaries in your life.

In order to create greater confidence with change, we need to dismantle the picket fence mentality.

Many beautiful people have a picket fence mentality. They absolutely know where their boundaries are located.

There are generally four solid corner posts that maintain their fence brilliantly. 

These are fear, security, image and purpose.

Don’t even think about moving their fence as this causes incredible stress and frustration in their lives.

They are going nowhere fast but it feels comfortable.

Conversely, the world class learns how to be comfortable being uncomfortable.

Mental toughness assists with this process.

If you are currently uncomfortable, you are on the right track.

Ensure you get a copy of Steve Siebold’s 177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class.

Coach Franco

Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training

Copyright 2020

“When you clearly understand what, where, when, why and how you do what you do, you have embarked on the threshold of awareness that leads you to results be on your wildest dreams.” – Coach Franco

Awareness is the key towards living a fulfilling and purposeful life.

It has nothing to do with your DNA as this can be developed at any juncture of your journey as long as you have a burning desire within.

Be absolutely grateful for everything that you have but never be satisfied.

Satisfaction leads to mediocrity on all levels and dissatisfaction leads to discoveries beyond our wildest dreams.

You've heard it many times before.

Everyone on the planet claims that they have the silver bullet. Regardless of the subject matter, they absolutely claim that the silver bullet lies within their product or service.

Let's stop this nonsense immediately. 

The silver bullet does not lie within the product or service. Rather, the silver bullet lies within each and every one of us.

The silver bullet lies within you.    



However, to access the silver bullet one must cut very deep into the core of their human personality in order to realize their human potential.

When you clearly understand this, only then have you arrived upon the threshold of your greatness.

Coach Franco

Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training

Copyright 2020


“Others will be looking at the fire while you are walking through the fire towards your victory and success.” – Coach Franco

What is the meaning of that quote?

Basically, it implies that mental toughness and compartmentalization allows one to place issues and life’s ups and downs into separate boxes so everything doesn’t become overwhelming.

As a result, these people have an incessant intention to move forward as they continually walk through the fire towards their victory and success while others are looking at the fire.

They understand that the negative and manipulative X factor’s primary purpose is to convince people that in order to understand and navigate the current issue is to view it only with their sensory factors.

The X factor’s ploy always appears to be rational but it is deception at the highest level. Any attempt to utilize the intellectual faculties; i.e. will, intuition, memory, perception, imagination and reason are immediately squashed.

The X factor loves to maintain control by keeping most people prisoners in their limbic system of their brain.

The emotional fallout rests here and is intense.

These F. I. R. E. people simply walk through the fire towards their victory and success, as they do not focus on present circumstances, as present circumstances are continually moving and continually changing.

Coach Franco

Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training

Copyright 2020


“The only person that you should compare yourself to is the person that you were yesterday.” – Amy Morin

No one in this universe has your DNA.

I’ll say it again that DNA is an acronym for dare to nurture all that is within you.  

Stop this nonsense of comparing yourself to anyone else on the planet.

Grab a hold of yourself.

No one can even come close.

When you believe this with your entire mind, body and spirit the essence of who you really are exudes into your outer world.

As a result, people want to be around you and they want to follow you because they want to and not because they have to.

In order to get rid of the naysayers and believe that you can do it, you must persist in spite of present circumstances and impregnate this script into your deeper mind.

“I am so happy and grateful now that I am already incredibly calm, strong, steady and full of life. I believe in myself. I love myself. I feel good about myself. I am already calm, confident, competent and capable. I rejoice that it is so.”

Your deeper mind has no clue of what is real or not and will execute this towards its fruition.

The only caveat is that you must believe it with your entire mind, body and spirit.  

Coach Franco

Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training

Copyright 2020


"It's life and we're just recycled teenagers." - June Nasuti

I asked this friend of mine why there was so much stuff going on regarding health issues. She Immediately replied, "It's life and we're just recycled teenagers."

I mentioned that I always refer to older people as juniors that are barely just getting started in the game of life.

Actually, life always gives you a second chance but you have to flip the switch in your brain in order to enjoy the best years of your life. As you flip the switch, you will be moving towards your Y.

Years ago, I remember teaching in a junior high school. I hardly ever went into the staff room to spend time with my colleagues. The reason being is that they were continually looking at their watches and telling everyone how many years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds remained until their retirement.

That drove me nuts.

So I spent most of my time with the students.

Unfortunately, today lots of those beautiful people are no longer around.

I imagine that they looked at retirement as some magical realm where they could do absolutely nothing.

Doing nothing might work for some people but doing nothing with no purpose for most people is a direct and speedy route to one’s demise.

If we flip the switch in our brain towards attirement and not retirement, we could enjoy the best years of our life.

The word retirement says it all, to withdraw or cease.

Deep down in everyone’s psychological house is the innate desire to do something worthwhile and purposeful.

Without this we are already dead.

I am going to suggest that we flip our switch towards attirement.

You won’t find that word in the dictionary anywhere as I invented it when I wrote the following:

Life Always Gives You A Second Chance


Coach Franco

Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training

Copyright 2020


“Many people are living in the safe zone. But I want to get you over into the faith zone.” – Joel Osteen


97% would love to accomplish something great in their life.

However, they don’t act and nothing happens!

It’s a big beautiful world. Use your talents wisely and don’t play it safe ever.

Ignite a burning desire for success within that once you see results it becomes an addiction.

Get addicted to your success.

Once addicted, no one will ever have to tell you to get on with it.

From the second that we are born, we are told, “be careful, don't go there, and don’t do that, that's too risky, you'll get hurt.” It's a never ending 78 LP like we used to have in years gone by.

The truth is that when you stretch your hand out of your safe zone another hand is already stretching to meet you in the faith zone.

Simply, faith is fearless actions in trust and humility.

Try it!

It works perfectly every single time.

So, don’t play it safe ever.

Coach Franco

Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training

Copyright 2020

"The mentally ill frighten and embarrass us. And So we marginalize the people who most need our acceptance. What mental health needs Is more sunlight, more candor, more  unashamed conversation." - Glenn Close

The love that is internal and real is amplified on the outside by our action.

I remember a few years ago when a panhandler was flagging me down on a busy intersection. I rolled down my window and said, “McDonald’s is across the street. Meet me there in five minutes”. 

He said, “What for?”

I replied, “I want to buy you breakfast”. 

This fellow was probably in his late fifty’s and quite worn around the edges. The temperature outside was -45 Celsius, so he really appreciated the offer. Inside the restaurant, we chatted and he told me that he basically fell out of life. He said that he lost his job, divorced from his wife and turned to the streets for his survival.

What a story.

What he really needed was someone to talk to and share some humanity. That is all that most people want. They want to know that someone loves them.

I asked him what type of job he had in his previous life. I was surprised as he had great saleable skills. He was a carpenter by trade. I encouraged him to get back into his field and that he could do it if he really wanted.

How many people just want to be recognized as a valuable human being? 

When I am in a bank, restaurant or public place, I always make a point of acknowledging the individual in a significant way. Most often, the person is quite surprised that I even take the time to say anything at all. You’re there anyway so why not? It feels good and it makes the person feel good.

People love praise. Love is lifting people up. Love is action.

Love is sowing and reaping. The more you love, the more you will reap.

Sowing and reaping goes hand in hand with ask, believe and receive.

Everyone on the planet desires connection. They need to know that someone will listen, care, offer support and above all, love.

Congratulations to “Bell Let’s Talk” to finally remove any stigma to mental health by promoting proactive dialogue.

Coach Franco

Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life Corporate Training

Copyright 2020