"Rewire your brain & catapult your results in life and business." COPYRIGHT DISCLOSURE “All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness For Life Publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the author.

“Your life will end up to be a result of the accumulated, compound effect of all the choices you make along the way”. — Darren Hardy

Sometimes, we have to make some difficult decisions and difficult choices along our journey.

There will be issues or events that arise that are not congenial. In these times, we must have very specific tools at our command.

We are all wired to either react or respond to present circumstances. Without the necessary tools, many people succumb to making very poor choices.

You always have a choice in life but most people never exercise their freedom of choice.

Living on autopilot will never give you the results that you desire and deserve.

As a result, you will always be dependent on some external force.

There are approximately 7.8 billion people on the planet as of 2020 according to United Nations (https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/).

Everyone knows about the sensory factors see, hear, smell, taste, and touch however only 234,000,000 understand and make use of the intellectual faculties of the human personality.

Create better choices by going to the core of your human personality by utilizing your intellectual faculties.

The intellectual faculties are, will, imagination, memory, perception, intuition and reason. The acronym for this invaluable tool is WIMPIR.

Human beings are passionate, blood flowing energy driven creatures that range from the peaceful dove, playful dolphin to the ravaging piranha, tsetse fly and AFP mosquitoes that kill up to 725,000 people per year.

Do not be alarmed.

Employing the intellectual faculties will provide you with the ample intellectual, emotional, spiritual, physical, and financial armor in order to combat most, modern day issues.

However, tools of armor are useless if we do not use them.

Understand them and create better choices for you and your family in 2020.

Coach Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life

Copyright 2020

“You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down and it has made all the difference in my life.” — Steve Jobs

You have to trust yourself to rise above being vulnerable so you can become a victor and not a victim.

If you are vulnerable, it is simply because you have given your power away.

I am not suggesting that you create fences and walls around your emotional security.


Rather, I am suggesting that you begin to create emotional stamina and stability in order to reveal your authenticity so everyone understands the rules of the game.

Emotional intelligence is at the heart of the matter.

It’s your life and you must teach people how you want to be treated.


Many times, we will go out of our way to seek approval in order to gain acceptance but this is the onset of relinquishing your personal power.

What’s the cost?

Everything has a price and the price of approval is stress and anxiety.

You don’t need it and it’s time to dump it.

How did we get into this approval jail and how do we get the key to get out of this jail?

It begins with a decision to change your life incredibly.

You see, it’s this conflict issue that always stifles approval seekers.

Approval and self-esteem are two sides of the same coin. They are co-dependent and are continually trying to build each other up.

Begin taking proactive steps that will engage people by teaching them how you want to be treated instead of allowing them to manipulate you.

You will no longer be emotionally vulnerable as you are now authentic and proactive.

Coach Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life

Copyright 2020

“You don’t have to be great to start but you have to start to be great”. — Zig Ziglar

Everyone at some time or another has had problems, obstacles, and issues with people.

However, these people understand that focusing on past trials and tribulations freezes any present moment opportunity.

There is nothing in between.

Their focus is on what they can give and not on what they can get.

Giving moves them into a vibration of A & W (abundance and wealth).

These fantastically inspired raw energy people are starters and finishers.

They are known as F.I.RE. people.

Some beautiful people unfortunately, operate on the lowest frequency of their human personality.

In order to create incredible results in their life, F.I.R.E. people continually hone and utilize the highest frequency of their human personality.

They understand and utilize the concept that electricity flows automatically only from a higher to a lower potential.

F.I.R.E. people choose wisely.

They choose their circle of friends and business associates very carefully as thought is easily transferred from one person to another subconsciously.

Dogma is synonymous with no thinking.

As a result, they become a sentinel to the bombardment of air talk that surrounds them on a daily basis via social media and many other mainstream sources.

Air talk always signifies what people want to hear.

Real talk signifies the straight goods with no hidden agendas, sidebars, or any other BS.

Creating mountains is not their passion as someone greater than all of us has already accomplished this feat.

However, these mountains are moved with ideas that create an avalanche of greatness within them and those that they engage.

TD Jakes said it best. “We have a tendency to want other people to be a finished product, while we give ourselves the grace to evolve.”

Possibly, you are a F.I.R.E. individual that will help people evolve intellectually, emotionally and spiritually.

Coach Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life

Copyright 2020

"We should not be confident in our ability to keep a super-intelligent genie locked up in its bottle forever.” — Nick Bostrom

Do you believe that air to breathe is fundamental to life and without air humanity would cease to exist?

If you do, then you have the absolute, necessary, and required belief to activate your inner genie that has been around since the beginning of time.

I know you're not like Thomas who said, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands, put my finger into them, and put my hand into his side, I’ll never believe”, otherwise you wouldn’t spend your precious time reading this message.



The image that you desire must be crystal clear and in brilliant color. The clearer the picture creates more order, less fear, less doubt and less confusion. The end result is amazing results beyond your wildest dreams.


Gratitude opens the funnel of life and unleashes the creative process in each one of us. For many, it has been dormant for many years. We fail to appreciate all the gifts that have been given to us unconditionally. Essentially, we take them for granted. When this happens many of the present moment gifts go by the boards unnoticed.

Walking around with a bucket full of hate and resentment blocks the flow of the life-giving creative process in each of us.

However utilizing this spirit of gratitude will create the true blessings without the disguise of present circumstances as the inner eye of understanding supersedes our physical eyes.


This language of self-talk is the DNA of everything that we are as human beings. We talk to ourselves all the time whether we are aware of it or not.

Alter this self-talk and you alter your entire life exponentially.

Many beautiful people are sabotaging their genuine efforts with their demeaning self-talk.

Eradicate this and replace it with nurturing dialogue that promotes acceptance and tolerance for self.

All of the 3 elements are in the Genie’s lamp.

He’s just waiting for you to request your 3 wishes.

However, if you master the above elements, you can ask for whatever your heart desires.

Coach Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life

Copyright 2020

“Awareness is all about restoring your freedom to choose what you want instead of what your past imposes on you.” -  Deepak Chopra

97% of the population will either never be exposed to these 7 things or feel that winging it in life is a far superior plan of action.

As you look at your life — your future, your income, and your dreams and goals, remember that you have the power to make a decision!

Right now, right here today — you are at your point of power. You can make the decision to accept life as it is or to accept your current level of awareness in any area of your life or you can make the decision to design the kind of life you envision for yourself.

Begin to think about your goals and dreams — then clarify them in your mind and put that vision in writing and into action!

Knowing and applying these 7 things provides you with the freedom to choose how your life will unfold without unnecessary drama.

This is all about stopping the incessant drama and taking your life back.


This is the fight or flight response. People react instead of responding. They play the blame game. “She made me angry.”


We are programmed to conform. We follow the crowd. We don’t really think. “What should I do?”

We behave like sheep. We rely on, “They said”.

“Wow, did you hear that so and so said . . . . . . .”?

“Really, where did you hear that and who told you”? They said”. “Well, who are they”?


This is the desire to be, do or have more than our current circumstances. This is your desire without action. “One of these days” “I’ve been meaning to do it”


We express our uniqueness as a human being through our action. You become aware that there never has been or ever will be another expression of life like you.

As a result, you begin to change and you enter the battleground. The battleground is leaving your comfort zone. As you grow, others will step back into safety. You begin to leave your comfort zone by baby stepping towards your goal. This is the learning process in action.


Give yourself a command and follow through on it. “I’m going to the gym tomorrow.” You do it.

You make a commitment to do it. You also release the intention through your action regardless of present circumstances. You stay focused and move forward. No excuses!


This is the difference between learning and experience. You begin to alter your old paradigms. There is a shift and your level of awareness is heightened. New experiences provide you with more confidence.


You truly begin to respond and are no longer controlled by habit. You simply respond with “isn’t that interesting.” You move out of judgment and step into calmness of mind.

Observation is power now and judgment is weakness.

You no longer react but begin to respond.

Responding to business and life scenarios in a proactive manner creates a win, win environment for all.

Coach Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life

Copyright 2020

“Every great tragedy forms a fertile soil in which a great recovery can take root and blossom…but only if you plant the seeds.” — Steve Maraboli

You’ve heard it many times before.

Everyone on the planet claims that they have the silver bullet. Regardless of the subject matter, they absolutely claim that the silver bullet lies within their product or service.

Let’s stop this nonsense immediately.

The silver bullet does not lie within the product or service. Rather, the silver bullet lies within each and every one of us.

The silver bullet lies within you.



However, to access the silver bullet one must cut very deep into the core of their human personality in order to realize their potential.

Ready or not?

Just go for it, as present circumstances will never, ever be ideal. They will only be ideal when you move towards your goal with action. There is no such thing as luck.

There is no silver bullet.

Be prepared and be ready.

The great Zig Ziglar said it many times. “Success occurs when opportunity meets preparation.”

So, what’s in your toolbox?

Any great books, videos, MP3, CD, Workbooks, Manuals, seminars, workshops, scripts, apps, Ted Talks etc.?

If you have any of the above and use them on a daily basis, the lower layer will always be filled with $$$$$$$. Invest in yourself every single day by reading, listening, speaking, mentoring and studying whatever it is that you love to do.

Do it as if you can’t breathe if you don’t do it.

The payoff is huge.

When you are ready, the right teacher will appear as the universe understands what you need and when you need it but you must be aware.

When are you ready?

When you want more. When you know you have a burning desire. When you know you want to learn as much as you can in order to continue growing until your last breath.

I love what Darren Hardy’s dad, Jerry Hardy said, “You can’t pull out of the game; unless you’re showing bone.”

Staying in the game is hard at times. Those that do win big!

Mark Twain said it simply, “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”

It’s a big beautiful world.

Use your talents wisely and don’t play it safe ever. Ignite a burning desire for success within that once you see results it becomes an addiction.




So get addicted to your success. 

This is absolutely guaranteed as the burning desire; the silver bullet within you will torpedo you towards unimaginable heights never before achieved.

Get ready for the ride of your life.

You don’t have to convince the planet. You only have to convince yourself that you can be, do or have anything that you want in this lifetime.

Create your own movie and live it full throttle.

Don’t listen to the news, your neighbor, your relatives, or anyone else that thinks that they have your best interests at heart.

Your best interests lie within you. Don’t look anywhere outside of you.

Look inside as the silver bullet lives within you.

Get addicted to your success.


Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life

Copyright 2020

“You can have anything you want if you dress for it.” — Edith Head

The following story will illustrate this perfectly.

Several years ago, I met a young man by the name of Paul. He was living in Pittsburgh cleaning toilets and washing floors. He also had a stuttering problem. He soon realized that he really didn’t want to clean toilets or wash floors any longer.

In order to change his life, he started reading and dreaming about who he could really become. He studied, read, and began to change his demeanor significantly.

One day, he decided to move to Florida. He wanted to live on an island near this famous golfer. This was a great idea but not realistic without the $$$$$$$. He began to think about the how.

How could he achieve this dream?

In his travels to better himself, he met a guy by the name of Robert. Robert took him under his wing and helped him incredibly. Ultimately, Robert became Paul’s mentor.

Paul said that he really wanted to do what Robert was doing. So Robert asked Paul to bring his best attire and meet him at the hotel. Paul asked, “Where is the hotel?” Robert replied, “It’s in Toronto”.

“Are you kidding?” retorted Paul.

“Well, you said that you wanted to do what I was doing. Right?”

So Paul jumped on a flight and went to Toronto to meet Robert’s tailor.

Soon, Paul looked so sharp in his new threads and as a result his self-image rocketed to warp speed. He was now a new man inside!

He was so excited about his new look that he began to give talks and presentations.

As a result, Paul and Robert were traveling as a team all over the world and earning huge dollars.

Robert said, “Dress for the part and dress for success if you really want the money”.

The rest is history. Paul and Robert told this story to me.

Paul is Paul Martinelli and Robert is Bob Proctor. Bob Proctor is the CEO of Proctor/Gallagher Institute, a global coaching, & training company.

Paul is the President of the John Maxwell Team, an international consultant training organization.

You know what you want.

Rehearse the part.

Play the part.

Dress for the part!


Without question!

Is it time to seize your moment?

Ask Seth Godin.

“How can you squander even one more day not taking advantage of the greatest shifts of our generation? How dare you settle for less when the world has made it so easy for you to be remarkable?

Check out The Purple Cow by Seth Godin and you will understand the latter.

This is your time to be great. This is your time to be innovative.

This is your time to create and crush the status quo. 

This is your time!

Unleash that unstoppable, creative force within you and warp speed your way to success.

Your spirit is much stronger, much more resilient than present circumstances that may attempt to derail or immobilize your efforts. 

The human spirit cannot be broken. 

Nothing can keep a committed person from success.

Coach Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life

Copyright 2020

“One of the advantages bowling has over golf is that you seldom lose a bowling ball.” — Don Carter

Gutter balls really suck and especially in life.

Everyone has been there at one time or another with an exasperated look on their face when they experience a gutter ball.

We should all realize that during the game we still have frames to complete.

But what do we do?

We focus intensely on the gutter ball; the one that we lost, the one that went sideways or the one that we really needed etc.

The gutter balls are really intense at this juncture of our life but it doesn’t have to be this way.

Focusing on the gutter balls goes nowhere fast and before you know it we are absolutely immobilized by fear, anxiety and every other toxic entity that may be inflicted upon us.

The key to managing all of this stuff is compartmentalization.

Feel everything that you need to feel however when you have done everything humanly possible in order to manage the emotional fallout, press the stop button.

Employ a new strategy and begin to place issues into very distinct boxes. Placing everything into one box is emotionally destructive.

No one places bathroom items, laundry items, grocery items etc. into one drawer or box, so why would we do otherwise with everything else?

Compartmentalization is very effective and works.

The 5 emotional intelligence boxes of life are intellectual, emotional, spiritual, physical and financial.

Mental toughness with compassion and understanding crushes all of the emotional barriers. Mental toughness doesn’t mean being rude, arrogant, stubborn, intolerant or tough. Mental Toughness implies one's ability to compartmentalize.

You acquire the knowledge and mental strength in order to place issues or problems into very distinct and separate boxes without compromising your emotional intelligence.

Unfortunately, they didn’t teach us the stuff that we really needed to know in order to succeed in life regardless of present circumstances. We were not taught the essential life building skills in order to create a more abundant life in all areas.


Possibly, the curriculum was more important than our personal growth.

So here it is in a nutshell.

Did school teach you how to make a lot of money?

Did school teach you how to create loving and amazing relationships?

Did school teach you how to be happy?

Did school teach you how to be fulfilled and live an abundant life?

Did school teach you how to think critically?

The questions will never cease to be asked.

However, all of these good, bad, indifferent and possibly well intentioned teachers did the best that they could do with what they had at the time.

I do not want to appear to be critical of the educational system however as a former educator, I now understand that harnessing the power of your glorious mind and understanding compartmentalization reaps huge rewards intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, physically and financially.

Now, begin to create your own affirming strategies. Personalize these into your own life and begin to see what most people will never see in their lifetime.

After it's all said and done, it’s not about likes, claps, followers, tribes or any other ego-affirming factors. It’s about helping people and providing them with serious tools.

Remember what the late Keith Harrell said, “The best coach with the strongest power over your performance, is the coach that lives within you.”

Now go and teach this to someone else that needs this information so they too can have a better life.

All the best.

Coach Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life

Copyright 2020

“Who owns the patent on this vaccine?’ ‘Well, the people, I would say. There is no patent. Could you patent the sun?” — Jonas Salk (American physician, medical researcher, virologist and developer of the first successful polio vaccines)

As with all great developments and brilliant ideas that have the potential of helping humanity, they must be shared.

Maxwell Maltz stated that the self-image is the key to human personality and human behavior. He continued by saying, change the self-image and you change the personality and the behavior.

At the age of 61 Dr. Maxwell Maltz wrote a powerful book entitled Psycho-Cybernetics. In essence, the message is this.

Change your inner program and you automatically change your outer results.

Your results are a reflection of the controlling program that is entrenched in your self- esteem vault.

Cybernetics is the science of communications and automatic control systems in both machines and living things. Cybernetic systems are everywhere.

Regardless of what you or your business earns in any given month, the end result will be manipulated, controlled, and dictated by your paradigm (inner program).

Alter the information that is stored in your self-image vault and you alter your results exponentially!

When a deviation in performance good, bad, or indifferent is recognized, a signal is communicated to your central nervous system that causes you to behave and revert to your inner program.

This cybernetic system is similar to the autopilot in an airplane, a thermostat, and a torpedo!

Change the inner program and you change your results.

The following diagrams illustrate the latter.

Diagram #1 — Notice the deviation from $6,000 per month to $18,000 per month in the month of May. The Amygdala/lizard brain is activated and scans the hard drive for information and previous history.

Diagram #2 — The cybernetic system recognizes the deviation to $5,000 in the month of June and automatically reverts to the inner program of $6000 per month. The controller is the paradigm.

If you are not performing by design the controller will always be in charge and will be calling all the shots.

The new result of $18,000 in sales during the month of May was cancelled and was not repeated again as the paradigm/program was not in alignment with this increase in sales. Therefore, the individual reverted to his inner program of $6,000 per month.

At the end of the year, this individual will ultimately earn the usual $72,000 per year. This is masterfully executed by the manipulative, dictatorial, and controlling paradigm.

Don’t believe it?

Look at your history.

The individual above has no clue that his results are being controlled by the cybernetic system in his human personality.

Understanding precedes change.

In order to create change in results we must implant a brand new program into our hard-wired data bank. We will replace old programming with new information that allows us to move forward.

Old programs are just that, old.

Old programs provide us with the same results over and over again and again.

Can you imagine eating the same food every single day?

After a while your taste buds are going to be talking to you. “Give it up already.”

Change is inevitable.

Don’t resist it.

Understand part B of the formula above and you will make huge strides in your performance.

The following video will explain this cybernetic system and how it prevents you from moving forward with your life and business. (Praxis Now- The Neuroscience of Maximum Achievement)


Coach Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life

Copyright 2020

Taking Care Of Your Business In the 21st Century


“And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.” - Abraham Lincoln

How many people on this great planet of ours wake up every morning and declare the following?

“I am so happy and grateful now that every single fiber of my being is vibrating in perfect harmony with God’s law. I am so incredibly grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities, through multiple sources on a continuous basis. I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me easily and effortlessly. I am so happy and grateful now that I am already incredibly calm, strong, steady, full of life and full of energy. I absolutely believe in myself. I love myself. I feel good about myself. I am already incredibly calm, confident, competent and capable.”

People will think that you are out there somewhere on a limb waiting to be outfitted with the white coat.

You don’t need to go into a mall and tell the entire world what you are doing.

You just need to think it and recite the script in your own head to yourself.

So who says this?



Three percent of the population recites a form of this all the time. The language might be different. The words might be different however the message is always the same.

These people are feeding their personal computer with language that it understands. This is language that requires no decoding whatsoever.

These people understand that what is fed into their personal computer affects everything in their life intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, physically and financially.

Nowhere in any great book does it state that we were created for lack and limitation.

Then why are people walking around with negative recordings in their personal computer?

They are not aware.

They don’t even know that they don’t know.

This language of self-talk is the DNA of everything that we are as human beings.

We talk to ourselves all the time whether we are aware of it or not.

Alter this self-talk and one alters his or her entire life exponentially.

Some people have no clue whatsoever that their self-talk is continually sabotaging their sincere efforts to move onward and Godward.

They never teach you the stuff that you really need to know in school.

Oh well, they don’t know that they don’t know.

God wants us to enjoy our lives and live them to the fullest.

We are not going to be impervious to hurts, tragedy, or anything else that might be negative in our lives. However we have all the tools necessary to obliterate the enemy.

The enemy wants to attack us especially when we are most vulnerable.

Why bother with this self-talk?

It is the recipe for a better life.

Moreover, you don’t need to convince the planet. You only need to convince yourself.

You need to influence and convince your deeper mind; your sub-conscious mind that you are eradicating the internal noise with a new, wholesome and nurturing script.

Albert Einstein is widely credited with saying, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”

Now you know what to do.

Coach Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life

Copyright 2020

“All that I ever am and hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.” Abraham Lincoln

It’s Mother’s Day every single day of the year.

A Mother’s influence, love, and devotion are timeless and transcend all.

Here is a story from various sources that have had a few twists however it is worth mentioning here as we approach this very special day.

“The story is told of Thomas Edison who came home from school with a note. “Mom, my teacher gave this paper to me and told me only you are to read it. What does it say?”

Her eyes welled with tears as she read out loud: “Your son is a genius. This school is too small for him and doesn’t have good enough teachers to train him. Please teach him yourself.”

After his mother died, Edison found the letter his Mother read that day: “Your son is mentally deficient. We cannot let him attend our school anymore. He is expelled.”

Deeply moved, Edison wrote in his diary: “Thomas A. Edison was a mentally deficient child whose mother turned him into the genius of the Century.”

If Edison’s Mother told him the truth we might possibly still not have any light today.

People will only aspire to the level or bar that is expected of them especially if they are extremely fragile or vulnerable.

Years ago as a teacher, I would never look at a student’s report by the previous teacher until the end of the school year. I did not want to be influenced or swayed by their report whatsoever.

In fact, one of my students apparently had some serious discipline issues that I was not aware of, as I never read the report at the beginning of the year.

Thank God that I didn’t read the report as he turned out to be an excellent musician and in later years earned national recognition.

Happy Mother’s day to all the awesome Mothers everywhere for all your tireless efforts.

Your resilience, love, and devotion are incredibly appreciated.

Mother’s day is every day of the year.

Happy Mother’s day.

Coach Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life

Copyright 2020


“Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

The most powerful force on this glorious earth is the power of the human mind and its ability to transform people proactively as contributing and purposeful global members.

Money, power, and manipulation in order to advance an agenda of fear are no match to the incredible ability of the human mind.

The transformational, influential, and proactive ability of the human mind to motivate people towards any end is irrefutable.

History has attested to this many times.

Utilize your mind proactively and do not allow fear to enter your spirit.

Feel the fear and just do it, as this process is the seedling for incredible growth on all levels.

What do you really want and what are you willing to give up? 

Write it down.

Writing causes, thinking, causes feelings, causes action, and ultimately causes results in your life and business. 

Only one thing can prevent you from achieving the above.


FEAR is false evidence that appears real. Therefore, Forget Everything About Resistance that is blocking your path.

Be curious.

Be adventurous.

Live by design.

Make the leap and bridge the gap.

Be aware.

As you do this, you will only focus on what you want, desire and deserve and ultimately understand that present circumstances never count.

Anyone that has ever achieved greatness understands the latter.

Climb aboard your vessel of life, as it’s your journey.

Welcome to your spectacular voyage of discovery.

It’s been waiting for you for a very long time.

Coach Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life

Copyright 2020