"Rewire your brain & catapult your results in life and business." COPYRIGHT DISCLOSURE “All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness For Life Publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the author.


“All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness Daily Power Action blog publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher or author. Requests to the author should be addressed to mtflseminars@usa.com.” — Copyright 2007, CIPO, USCO Mental Toughness For Life.

“Sometimes you need a little crisis to get your adrenaline flowing and help you realize your potential.” — Jeanette Walls

This a true story however all names have been changed to protect the identities.

The year was 1970.

Almost fifty years ago on October 10, 1970, we were all kids and attending college in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

It was a Saturday afternoon, the sun was shining, and the five of us were gallivanting around the city.

We just completed our mid-term exams and were ready for some fun.

As we were cruising around the city, we noticed that a police cruiser was following us from a slight distance.

Immediately, Cam the driver of the car blurted, “You guys better not have any beer or booze under the seat, or we’re all dead.”

“Stop sweating it,” retorted Jeff.

Alex was in the back seat of the car and said, ”They’re just cruising like us.”

This went on for some time, as we were all laughing and joking while the police continued to follow.

We went from one fast food outlet to another along the strip as if we were playing some kind of cat and mouse game with the police.

Then all hell broke loose.

As our car approached the next fast food parking lot, five police squad cars and a swat team in full gear ready to engage immediately surrounded us.

We were scared to death and unbeknownst to us, an APB was issued for the exact car, make, color, and model that we were driving that day.

On October 10, 1970, known as the October crisis in Canada, Pierre Laporte provincial deputy premier was kidnapped from his home while playing in the front yard with his nephew. Seven days later he died at the hands of the kidnappers who were members of the Front de libération du Québec (FLQ)

We did not know this at the time but we all were definitely in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The swat team took over and told us to lay on the concrete with arms and legs outstretched.

They searched everyone for their identification and then realized that we were not the criminals that they were seeking.

We were young, naïve and sported long hair and beards that resembled the image of the criminals that was posted on the APB.

They asked us to face the wall of the fast food outlet and later we turned around facing the police and the swat team.

The swat team’s commander said this before we were released.

“One wrong move and you would have all been dead.”

Why this story?

This experience taught us to embrace awareness more than ever.

When you are aware, you no longer just count on your sensory factors.

You develop your sixth sense that is awareness.

Let me explain.

Nelson Mandela’s sixth sense allowed him to stay in faith and crush any possibility of his own X factor from influencing his present circumstances.

Your X factor is that controlling, dictatorial, manipulative and scheming psychological mechanism in everyone’s personality that prevents you from nurturing what you really need to do in times of crisis.

You need to nurture this seed, as awareness is your only defense.

Awareness provides you with that sixth sense that leads and guides you towards intelligent and proactive decisions when you need them most.

Carpe Momentum

Coach Franco Cianflone


Copyright Disclosure

All rights reserved

Copyright 2020

Mental Toughness For Life


“All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness Daily Power Action blog publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher or author." Requests to the author should be addressed to mtflseminars@usa.com.” — Copyright 2007, CIPO, USCO Mental Toughness For Life.

“Words are containers for power, you choose what kind of power they carry.” — Joyce Meyer

He was four years old when his parents divorced.

He went back and forth from the west coast to the east for many years, being shipped back and forth between his parents.

At age six, he was molested.

He had an IQ of 143. He was incredibly intelligent. However, he lacked focus due to the fact that he could not concentrate on anything for any length of time.

He always said that he was bored.

In his junior year, he quit high school, left home and began to travel. It wasn’t long before he ran with the wrong crowd.

He joined a gang and started using and selling drugs. Crime was part of his life now and he had to collect unpaid drug money for the gang.

At one point he almost killed a man for refusing to pay his drug debt to the gang.

As a result, he was imprisoned for his activity for five years.

The drugs and the crime led him to drinking. He could easily drink himself into a stupor most days.

Ultimately, his drinking caught up to him and he realized that it was either the bottle or his life.

Today, he is drug and alcohol free and no one would ever recognize him from his former life.

His question was, “Why didn’t I meet you 25 years ago?”

I said, “You weren’t ready then. I just led you to the door with two words. Love yourself.”

The answer to his question is not that easily answered, as you can’t change anyone on the planet.

You can’t even change yourself.

People can only change themselves if they desire to do so. However, you can help them or yourself by introducing ideas that are purposeful, fruitful and impactful that alters any controlling paradigm.

Doing this will unleash The Final Piece Of The Puzzle for them or for you.

This is only the beginning of an endless journey towards self-discovery and awareness.

Carpe Momentum

Coach Franco Cianflone


Copyright Disclosure

All rights reserved

Copyright 2020

Mental Toughness For Life

“Words are only words but action speaks volumes” — Coach Franco Cianflone

Words without action are useless.


Words are only words and mean nothing unless they are backed by real meaning and purposeful actions.

Today everyone is an expert.

The list of so-called experts goes on and on like a broken record.

For the most part, the noise of words are rampant, conjectured and are intended for notoriety.

However, there are 3 pivotal methods of creating human connections and change.

They are agreement, shock and fascination.

Agreement is basic as all parties agree and are on the same page from the onset.

On the other hand, shock entails an event or issue that absolutely rattles everyone’s cage.

Immediately these people take notice.

This might not occur too often but when it does, all hell breaks loose.

Fascination works beautifully.

Moreover, when people are fascinated with something, they are impelled to move towards it regardless of any other single factor.

Their motivation and interest has been intensely aroused.

The repetition of this interest and arousal is paramount in the success of this strategy.

As people become fascinated by the meaning behind the words, they simply act proactively.

The important ingredient is following through regardless of present circumstances.

People don’t want lip service.

They want action.

They want the words to be real with real talk and not simply air talk.

Therefore, to the best of your ability live this inclusive and diversity quest in homes, schools, communities, businesses, corporations and the greater global village.

Some people make up all sorts of lame excuses in order to deflect responsibility or ownership.

Put your name on it.

We all promote this quest with our word and our action.

Lip service does not live here.

Sometimes young children understand this better than adults.

At the age of nine years old, a young girl once wrote, “The importance of attitude is how you control it. Your attitude changes people as well as yourself.”

Break this attitudinal cycle with decisive and deliberate action.

This life changing action will manifest change in all levels of society.

Enough is enough!

Coach Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Copyright 2020

Mental Toughness For Life

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” — Martin Luther King Jr.

Human beings are passionate, blood flowing energy driven creatures that range from the peaceful dove, playful dolphin to the ravaging piranha, tsetse fly and AFP mosquitoes that kill up to 725,000 people per year.

As soon as the insatiable ego steps into the mix, everything begins to go south. Common sense, logic, and everything else that has the ability to stabilize the communication is out the window. The amygdala now kicks everything into high gear and explosive emotions derail any possible solution.

The insatiable and vulnerable ego coupled with intense fear is responsible for conflicts, riots, wars, poverty, lack, and so many other maladies that have inflicted the human race.

You’re getting the picture?

This psychological entity rears its ugly head whenever there is change in our environment intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, physically, and financially. It is the five to seven alarm fire that triggers our lizard brain into action. Once our lizard brain is activated anything can happen.

The emotional, destructive fallout to person and property is unfathomable.

The words of Martin Luther King Jr. above are timeless

Everyone matters!


Everyone matters regardless of religion, color, or anything else that might describe an individual.

The physical eye triggers perception without awareness however the inner eye of understanding supersedes our physical eye.

What legacy are we going to leave our children and grandchildren?

In essence, it’s all about defusing potentially, explosive, destructive, and meaningless drama by managing the ego, fear, reaction, and emotion from the mix to the best of our ability.

Is it easy?

Not in your life but we all must press on with fortitude and persistence until the chains of complacency are broken with uncommon sense, personal responsibility and unswerving leadership at all levels that begin with you and me.

Coach Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Copyright 2020

Mental Toughness For Life

“Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today.” — Will Rogers

Everyone feels stuck from time to time.

We’ve all been there.

If you’re feeling stuck right now there are specific factors that are causing this to manifest in your life.

Certainly, the current pandemic has contributed to this feeling but if truth be told, you were experiencing this uncomfortable feeling long before this global malady appeared on the scene.

We live in a cause and effect global village.

Scholars, medical industry, and a sundry of others can clearly provide you with the effects and the corresponding treatment of such.

However, ask them what the cause or source of any ailment is and they immediately respond, “We don’t know the cause. We just treat the symptoms.”

This is where The Law of Cause and Effect comes into play, as it is very precise and reliable.

This law states that for every effect there is a definite and precise cause and vice versa.

Therefore, utilize the feeling stuck stop button immediately.

1. Stop letting past events control your present life. The past can only help you if you learn and grow from these experiences.

2. Stop allowing people to control and manipulate you. People that really love you will create the necessary space in time for you to grow.

3. Stop being an unconscious competent. Be aware of your subconscious thoughts that lead towards your feelings, actions, and ultimately your results.

4. Stop the comparison game that leads nowhere fast. No one in this universe has your DNA so dare to nurture all of you.

5. Stop believing that present circumstances shape the direction of your life 24/7 and 86, 400 seconds of each glorious day.

Finally, you are in control of your own life.

When you give your power away consciously or unconsciously, you then begin to feel stuck.

Being stuck really sucks but there is a way out.

Here it is.

No one can control your thinking.

No one!

Coach Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Copyright 2020

Mental Toughness For Life

“The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” — Darren Hardy

Without a daily regimen, some beautiful people just wander aimlessly throughout the day hoping for things to magically happen.


1. Begin your day with your own personalized regimen. This might be in the form of a devotional reading in order to elevate your spiritual awareness. We are all spiritual beings that are living in a physical body. Therefore, our physical body requires daily intellectual, emotional, and spiritual maintenance. This is the time to reinforce our armor of protection 24/7 and 86, 400 seconds of each day.

2. Monitor your constant attention on the daily noise that is featured in mass media and social media. You clearly know that if intruders were to invade your home, you would not grant them access without putting up a fight. Well, today these entities have created very sophisticated algorithms to suck you right into their frenzy with out you even being aware of it. Be aware but do not continue to feed their bottom line with your valuable time and energy.

3. You are your own best fact checker. You are intelligent and proactive so don’t succumb or rely on he said, she said, they said syndrome that is rampant today. Do your own homework, as conjecture is everywhere.

4. Utilize affirmations and/or afformations that are purposeful to your journey and primary goal in your life and/or business.

5. Music is one of your best allies. Throughout your glorious day, listen to your favorites as this proactive action leads to a greater elevated spirit in mind and body.

6. To the best of your ability, do not impose your mode of thinking on everyone around you, be it your family, friends, co-workers or anyone else. They are on their own journey, timeline etc. However, be a people developer and assist whenever you can without being an enabler or co-dependent.

7. One hour before you retire for the night, lose the phone, tablet, computer, or any other blue light device. Do your own fact checking and discover why this is a proactive action.

8. Your subconscious mind is the most fertile just prior to sleep. Watching the nightly news or anything else that is non-productive provides ample seeds that may be germinated adversely throughout the next day or so.

Coach Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Copyright 2020

Mental Toughness For Life

“Don’t be a spectator. Be a participator. Change your perspective.” — Victoria Osteen

Don’t miss your opportunity to live the fullness of life because you view yourself as a spectator.

It’s great to be a spectator at a live concert or sports event as the roar of the crowd that is cheering on its favorite artist or team is incredibly invigorating and electrifying.

However, being a spectator in life is so different and it is not who you really are at the core.

Yes, believe that you can live your life without playing it safe and living only as a spectator.

So get rid of those naysayers in your life that believe that you are a spectator of life.

These people are everywhere.

They are piranhas in your midst.

They love to kill your dream, your goal, or your aspiration.

Most of all they absolutely love to enable you.

These people show up as you’re so called friends, parents, associates, acquaintances, relatives etc.

In addition, they might be well intentioned, however in the long run they prevent you from growing intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, physically, and financially.

Depending on circumstances, they might show up as enablers or co-dependents.

Regardless of the term that is used, these people prevent you from growing towards your potential in this lifetime.

Basically, they are well-intentioned and wonderful human beings however they believe that their mission in life is to enable or to be a co-dependent to you.

Do not get sucked into this scenario.

If you do, you will never leave your comfort zone or this play it safe syndrome.

Les Brown described this perfectly, “Imagine if you will being on your death bed — And standing around your bed — the ghosts of the ideas, the dreams, the abilities, the talents given to you by life. And that you for whatever reason, you never acted on those ideas, you never pursued that dream, you never used those talents, we never saw your leadership, you never used your voice, you never wrote that book. And there they are standing around your bed looking at you with large angry eyes saying we came to you, and only you could have given us life! Now we must die with you forever. The question is — if you die today what ideas, what dreams, what abilities, what talents, what gifts, would die with you?“

These enablers and co-dependents walk around with their own personalized dictionary filled with a myriad of excuses.

When they need one, they simply pluck it out of their resource and provide it to any one on their play it safe, spectator list.

Be a participant for yourself, your family, your loved ones, your community, and the greater global community.

Make a difference as they need you now.

Coach Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Copyright 2020

Mental Toughness For Life

“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” — Mark Twain

If you’re a wordsmith, you are already thinking, “Coach, what’s up with your use of the word attirement?"

Let me explain.

Life always gives you a second chance but you have to flip the switch in your brain in order to enjoy the best years of your life.

Years ago, I remember teaching in a junior high school. I hardly ever went into the staff room to spend time with my colleagues. The reason being is that they were continually looking at their watches and telling everyone how many years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds remained until their retirement.

That drove me nuts.

So I spent most of my time with the students.

Unfortunately, today lots of those beautiful people are no longer around.

I imagine that they looked at retirement as some magical realm where they could do absolutely nothing.

Doing nothing might work for some people but doing nothing with no purpose for most people is a direct and speedy route to one’s demise.

If we flip the switch in our brain towards attirement and not retirement, we could enjoy the best years of our life.

The word retirement says it all, to withdraw or cease.

Deep down in everyone’s psychological house is the innate desire to do something worthwhile and purposeful.

Without this we are already dead.

Consider putting on a new set of clothes, ideas, goals, aspirations, dreams, and absolutely anything that continues to provide you with purpose.

The masses will tell you to slow down.

We don’t have to slow down.

We have to speed up but calm down.

You have so many untapped talents that haven’t had the opportunity of sprouting towards fruition. There are so many things that you’ve wanted to do but never had the quality time to do them.

Don’t follow the masses that believe that they are in the final phase of their life.

This is only the beginning of an amazing journey for you.

The best years are still ahead and you only have to flip the switch in your brain and switch it to a new, different, exciting, unimaginable, and incredible idea that will catapult you towards your greatness.

Rekindle what you have always wanted at your core.

So here’s the question.

Attirement or retirement?

You clearly know the answer.

Stop thinking of yourself as a senior and rather look at yourself as a valuable, growing and nurturing human being.

In order to do this effectively, we must all revamp the way that we talk to ourselves 24/7 and 86,400 seconds of each glorious day.

For some of us, this will appear to be strange or unusual however the results are what we are after.

We don’t have to submit to retirement.

We can embrace attirement.

We just need to renew our purpose in order to embrace this newfound life and mindset.

When someone asks if you are retired respond with, “Actually, I’m attired. Thanks.

Coach Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Copyright 2019

Mental Toughness For Life

“All good men and women must take responsibility to create legacies that will take the next generation to a level we could only imagine.” — Jim Rohn

What legacy do you want to leave your loved ones?

Are they really going to care about all the online, offline fallout, likes, dislikes etc.?

When you are long gone, your loved ones will only want to treasure a memory or story that you shared with them and not the nonsense that goes on today.

A few years ago, there was an elderly gentleman that hopped on a bus in San Jose, Texas. The bus was completely full except for one seat next to a young lady.

The gentleman sat down beside the young lady and proceeded to wait for his stop. He quickly noticed that the young lady was attracted to the beautiful bouquet of flowers that he held in his hands. The bouquet was full, exquisite, and aromatic. After ten minutes or so, the young lady persisted with her attraction for the bouquet of flowers.

Finally, the elderly gentleman turned towards her and said, “You seem to be so attracted by the beauty of these flowers”. I think that I will just give them to you as a gift as you seem to love them so much”.

The young lady was so happy and delighted by his gesture. Then the gentlemen continued to say, “I’ll just tell my wife that you loved them so much that I decided to give them to you as a gift”.

The elderly gentleman arrived at his stop and got off the bus.

As the bus drove off, the young lady looked out the window with dismay and saw that the man was entering the nearby cemetery.

You never know how your words or actions impact people.

Everyone matters!

Everyone matters regardless of religion, color, or anything else that might describe an individual.

What legacy are you going to leave?

Coach Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Copyright 2019

Mental Toughness For Life

“Body awareness not only anchors you in the present moment, it is a doorway out of the prison that is the ego. It also strengthens the immune system and the body’s ability to heal itself”. — Eckhardt Tolle

What does it take to strengthen your immune system today?

At no time is it more important then now to fortify this system of protection.

What is required is the innate ability of ridding oneself of the infamous ego that imprisons everyone in a jail cell.

This infamous ego feeds on one’s ability to stockpile feelings of hatred, resentment, bitterness, and everything that falls into this camp.

You live in a body.

You are not your body.

The body is a mass of molecules in a high speed of vibration. In fact, there are approximately 11 million kilowatt hours per pound of potential energy locked up in the electrons of the atoms of your body.

Emotionally charged ideas that are either positive or negative create a frequency in your body that causes a vibration.

Your body moves into vibration according to your emotion.

Therefore, we need to be extremely diligent about managing our ego, emotion, and reaction to the best of our ability.

Our responsibility is to be vitally concerned and very diligent in recognizing the kind of ideas that we are emotionally involved in.

It’s the vibration that the body is in that determines how the body acts.

The body’s behavior patterns or actions are being caused by the kind of ideas in the sub-conscious mind that doesn’t have a clue of what is real or imagined.

The subconscious mind simply carries out the marching orders.

Your immune system needs you now so be aware and proactive about what is ingested physically and mentally.

Your body will thank you for years to come.

Coach Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life

Copyright 2020

“Cease trying to make the other a second edition of yourself”. — Dr. Joseph Murphy

I believe that Joel Osteen said that most people would fulfill 80% of your needs however 20% will be unmet.

Therefore, people wander aimlessly to find that 20% and soon realize that there is still a void.

No one person on the planet is ever going to complete 100% of all your intellectual, emotional, spiritual, physical, and financial needs.

As soon as we understand this, we will stop trying to create second editions of our significant other and really begin to live our life as our creator intended it on the first day of our creation.

Trying to change someone to comply with your criteria of a loving relationship is a recipe for disaster that leads to separation and ultimately divorce.

You don’t want to be a kamikaze.

Here are the three L’s of life.

Love what you do.

Love who your with.

Love where you live.

There are many definitions of love but here is another one.

Love is the unconditional effort to appreciate and respect another human being intellectually, emotionally, spiritually and physically.

There are no boundaries, restraints, or white picket fences that contain this thing called love.

It is similar to a beautiful rose in full bloom.

One cannot force the unfoldment of this four-letter word love, as with the rose, the unnatural unfoldment causes its demise.

Those in life that are blessed and fortunate to experience this unconditional effort called love are happy and fulfilled.

To expect someone to fall in love with you and not understand the latter is an exercise in futility.

One must love oneself first before they can even begin to love anyone else.

As stated earlier, in order to accomplish this, one must know thyself.

This is the ultimate beginning of awareness and understanding that leads towards the true meaning of love that is expressed emotionally and physically.

Knowing thyself begins to clear the path towards greater unfoldment of our talents, aspirations, and everything else that is desired intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, physically and financially.

By the way, that elusive 20% is already inside you.

Coach Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life

Copyright 2020

“You’re not in the darkness of the tomb. You’re in the darkness of the womb.” — Joel Osteen

Victory and rebirth are waiting for you outside this current worldwide affliction.

To better understand the transformational process that will take place, consider the following.

Firstly, success is energy in its most organized state.

The opposite of success is failure that is energy in its most confused state.

Everything is energy period and understanding this premise is fundamental on how not to live defeated regardless of present circumstances.

Energy changes from one form to another.

Energy just is.

It cannot be created or destroyed.

Energy is forever moving into form.

How not to live defeated is found in the Law of Cause and Effect.

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Every cause has an effect, and every effect has a cause.

Be at cause for what you desire, and you will get the effect.

All thought is creative, so be careful what you wish for… you will get it.

How to apply it: Consistently think and act on what you desire to be effective at getting it.

Hopefully, the image below will clarify the process.

The frequency of your mind, body and spirit (how you think, feel and act), creates a specific energy in a vibrational mode.

Water in bodies of water ultimately returns to its source of origination (left side above).

The physical ultimately returns to its source of origination (middle of image above).

The physical goal (idea) that is coupled with your intellectual faculties (will, imagination, memory, perception, intuition and reason) and fixed with a strong and crystal clear, unwavering image must return to its source of origination (right side above).

To a great degree we are all creating our own destiny.

How many individuals do you know or have read about their success in life?

Many of these people had a very limited education and not the best upbringing but somehow they managed to rise to the top.

We cannot control what is outside of us but we can control what goes on inside.

It always boils down to a choice.

We can choose to react or we can choose to respond.

Many beautiful people on the planet will never have the opportunity to be exposed to this information.

You do.

Utilize this information as this Law of Cause and Effect is only one of the 7 fundamental Laws of the Universe.

Knowledge is only potential power until we put it into action.

You are intelligent, strong, calm, steady, full of life and full of energy.


Coach Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life

Copyright 2020