"Rewire your brain & catapult your results in life and business." COPYRIGHT DISCLOSURE “All rights reserved. No part of this Mental Toughness For Life Publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, scanning, displaying, modifying, republication, republishing, posting on any website, platform, social media, RSS feeds or otherwise without the prior written permission of the author.

“Desire is the effort of the unexpressed possibility within seeking expression without through our actions.” – Wallace D. Wattles

The year is 1910 and the book is the Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles. One hundred years later and this awesome little book is still inspiring millions around the globe.

In this book he speaks about this word desire.

The ocean surf making its way to the shore may symbolize the word desire.

It has that incredible desire, persistent desire and determined desire to make it to the shore regardless of anything.

Now when your desire is that strong and that enormous, you get what you are seeking intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, physically and financially.

Desire truly is the effort of the unexpressed possibility within seeking expression without through your actions.

So what is your desire in your life and business?

What is preventing you from releasing this desire?

Write it down right now.

If you haven’t read the book, read it, as it will catapult your results once you have identified your desire and begin to act.




Coach Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life

Copyright 2020


“A loving relationship is one in which the loved one is free to be himself — to laugh with me, but never at me; to cry with me, but never because of me; to love life, to love himself, to love being loved. Such a relationship is based upon freedom and can never grow in a jealous heart.” – Leo F. Buscaglia

I refer to it as the + or – relationship technique amongst couples.

In any relationship there is always a moving forward or moving backward direction in play that affects most relationships.

This might show up as money, family, societal, births, deaths etc. issues that confronts us from time to time.

This + or – technique really helps when there are pressures in life.

If you are in a relationship, consider the + or – technique as a proactive tool for the continued nurturing of your union.

When the other person is on the minus side in terms of overwhelming factors in their life, pause, listen, think and then respond by lifting them up.

When you need lifting up, the other person will nurture you by pausing, listening, thinking and responding.

These issues are always opportunities disguised as a crisis.

This formula for managing disagreements in life is sometimes based on the agree to disagree principle.

You inner eye of understanding based on your intellectual factors will, imagination, memory, perception and reason create greater results towards the progressive nurturing of your relationship.

You don’t have to rely on imposing old paradigms that continue to control your relationship.

Utilize this + or – technique as it will almost always squash reactionary, condescending and impulsive, non-productive words or actions.

Coach Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life

Copyright 2020


"I think everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer, should learn a computer language, because it teaches you how to think.” – Steve Jobs

Steve is probably right regarding the thinking part however everyone on the planet already has an embedded DNA and psychological code in their very own personal hard drive.

Genetic and environmental factors have played a huge part in the development of this very specific code. This code creates a program or paradigm.

All of our sensory factors continue to input more information daily as this program or paradigm develops throughout life.

All of our evolving beliefs, habits etc. are tossed into the mix.

How does this work?

People are either listening or hearing and the dialogue goes one way or another based on congruency with the individual’s program or paradigm.

As a result, it is very easy to slant towards a subconscious or conscious prejudice regarding anything.

Authentic listening is crucial as it prevents reaction but encourages appropriate response instead.

This is not easy as it takes emotional intelligence to circumvent inappropriate reaction.

Learn this very early in life and you will avoid some of the pitfalls that will certainly bombard you on your journey.

Enjoy the moments as they are swiftly moving and you will never be able to recapture that space in time again.


Coach Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life

Copyright 2020


“Awareness is a key ingredient in success. If you have it, teach it, if you lack it, seek it. “ – Michael Kitson

Awareness is an absolute must today.

This provides you with the necessary tools in order to navigate the multitude of issues that bombard us every single day.

As this evolves, your sense of direction and the ability to observe heightens.

You get to see more of what is really happening in your environment and you don’t simply react any more.

You respond.

As you respond, you gain an acute understanding that leading by serving people is a winning scenario for all participants.

As you look at your life – your future, your income, and your dreams and goals, remember that you have the power to make a decision!

Right now, right here today – you are at your point of power.

You can make the decision to accept life as it is or to accept your current level of awareness in any area of your life or you can make the decision to design the kind of life you envision for yourself.

Begin to think about your goals and dreams – then clarify them in your mind and put that vision in writing and into action.

Write it down right now and couple that with an image that is crystal clear every time you see it.

Place that image on your bathroom mirror or anywhere where it resonates with you when you see it.

Change the input of thoughts and images and the output 3, 6, 9 or 12 months from today will amaze you with exponential results.

Coach Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life

Copyright 2020


“What if today you were inspired and fed by your thoughts instead of being confined by them?” – Marjo-Riika Makela

You should always be prudent when it comes to the “what if” questions in life.

Do everything that you can humanly do with any issue then absolutely release it.

Dwelling on the “what if” questions constantly transforms your psychological house into an inhabitable place.

Stop this, as the X factor loves to prey on your fear, anxiety and panic. It will do anything to prevent you from moving forward with rational thought.

It loves to keep you stuck in your limbic system of the brain with no chance of emotional intelligence.

The following is what Bob Proctor had to say about this infamous X factor in everyone’s psychological house.

“Understand this. X cannot be trusted. Your X factor remembers and reminds you. It’s devious. It’s insidious how devious it is. It will take any path. It has no rules. It will win at any cost. It does not want your Y factor to win. It does not want you to take over. For every failure, for every settling, for everything that’s rote in your life, that’s just not what you hoped it would be, that’s your X factor paradigm assuring you that status quo is the way to go. But who wants status quo?”

Knowledge is power but only if you use it and put it into action.

97% of the planet have no understanding of this phenomenon.

You do.

Coach Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life

Copyright 2020



“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” - Nelson Mandela

Life is full of choices.

Sometimes it’s difficult to know which direction to take in life so we make decisions either based on hope or fear.

Choose hope and not fear as choosing fear always leads to the road that is mostly congested with lack and limitation.

Fear really represents false evidence that appears real. However, it appears so real that it does a number on us intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, physically and financially.

This road is chosen by ninety-seven percent of the population. 

The other freeway is the road that is less traveled. Only three percent of the population choose this freeway. This freeway is absolutely incredible to drive upon because it provides all the results that you want, desire and deserve every single day of your life.

This freeway is fueled by hope and faith. Here is an example of faith. 

One mustard seed can produce over 80,000 seeds; faith as small as a mustard seed.

Faith represents fearless actions in trust and humility. 

You're going to act. 

You're going to move out. 

You're going to do whatever it is that you need to do every single day but you're going to do it in trust; in yourself and in some higher entity or some higher creative force that I choose to call God.

The recipe as I see it, is this:

Burning Desire + Action coupled with gratitude, hope and faith creates results beyond our wildest dreams.

In order for this recipe to work efficiently, we must all have a belief in ourselves beyond faith. 

This must be a belief that transcends all self-imposed restrictions, societal or familial expectations etc.

Choose hope.

Coach Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life

Copyright 2020

“There was a very cautious man who never laughed or played. He never risked. He never tried. He never sang or prayed and when he one day passed away, his insurance was denied. For since he never really lived, they claimed he never really died.” - Anonymous poem

In my travels today, I met a young man who appeared to be very intelligent, outgoing and very professional.

He mentioned that he was fifty years old however his years served him well, as he appeared to be at least 10-15 years younger.

I asked him how long he had been working at his current job and his reply was 2 years.

We continued our discussion and agreed that he was not unhappy however he was going nowhere fast with his life or career.

He called it dribbling.

Basically, one dribbles away for so many years but never makes a shot for the basket.

We continued our discussion and I said that he had many innate talents that have never had the opportunity of been expressed.

His reply was, “I know.” He continued by asking, “How do I change my safe zone so it doesn’t turn into regret?”

It’s called neuroplasticity.

Rewire and retrain your brain to form new connections with brain cells (neurons).

Doing this creates new pathways with new thoughts and new opportunities with accompanying results.

Check out this video, as it will explain the process of neuroplasticity.


Coach Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life

Copyright 2020


“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest accomplishment or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” - Leo Buscaglia

Recently at an Ascension hospital, I noticed the following at the reception desk.

NURSE (noun)

“A scrub wearing, smile bringing, life saving rockstar who lives to heal and loves to encourage. They’re kind of a big deal.”

Every single word is real as the nurses at this hospital are beyond amazing.

They are professional, helpful, caring and friendly.

They are spectacular because at the core they truly love and give from their heart.

These professionals are spectacular doers.

They live Walt Disney’s mantra, “Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends.”

They love what they do.

This is the key to the HSPP  factor in their life.

They recognize that anyone on the planet can serve people.

However, to do it with flair, authenticity, passion, love and a clear purpose delivers incredible results beyond expectation.

Next time that you see a nurse remember to say thank you.

Coach Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life

Copyright 2020


"Hem your blessings with thankfulness so they don't unravel” - Unknown

We need to develop a very clear picture of what we want in our life. It can’t be a wish list.

It must be a must list.

The clearer the picture that we have of what we want in our life creates more order, less fear, less doubt and less confusion.

Also, while we are on this quest, we must understand that the journey is far more important than the goal.

The present is our 86,400/24/7 experience that I call the zone. When you are in the zone it is virtually impossible to experience the garbage emotions that love to derail and immobilize us.

Doubt, fear, lack and limitation, uncertainty, anxiety, panic etc. will not overwhelm us but we must remain in the present moment.

The past is a memory and the future is a mystery.

You can learn from the past and you can plan for the future but do not give up your claim to the present, as it is a gift.

When you are given a gift the answer is simple.

Thank you.

In a spirit of gratitude and expectation we give thanks.

Thank you.

These two little words say it all.

When you need gratitude in your life listen to Gratitude, as there are many thank you notes in this music.



Coach Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life

Copyright 2020


“Life is a flame that is always burning itself out, but it catches fire again every time a child is born.” - George Bernard Shaw

“This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.” - Psalm 118:24


Today is an amazing day but everyday is an absolute miracle day when a brand new baby is born.

It’s baby Anastasia’s birthday today.

What a miracle and what a blessing.

This miracle brings about a freshness of hope and gratitude for a wonderful life that will unfold in the days, months and years to come.

You can scientize it all you want but after it’s all said and done; it’s an amazing and beautiful gift from God.

If you are having a baby today, congratulations to you and your family.

If your baby was in my midst on the day of its birth as was Anastasia Gia, this is what I would say to him or her.

“Because you are born today, the world will be a much better place.”

Enjoy the journey.



Coach Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life

Copyright 2020


"Always treat people as ends in themselves, never as a means to an end.” - Immanuel Kant

Just look around you and you will see the opposite in modern day politics and society.

Media, media, media is pitching this means to an end 24/7.

It is becoming more and more evident that this prevalent means to an end syndrome is eroding meaningful relationships, leadership, companies, governments etc.

I believe that intelligent engagement with meaningful discourse leads to positive and nurturing outcomes.

This onward and Godward direction comes from deep within, at the core of your being that has been crying out to you for so many years.

You can always agree to disagree.

Many of us, including myself were not ready or not listening to its call.

When you do tap into this ferocious longing for this purposeful and meaningful directive, everything in your life magically transforms into something beyond expectation.

You begin to view life with a renewed vision and everything is crystal clear.

As a result, your awareness becomes incredibly acute and you already know what to do with any scenario before it is even presented to you.

You now begin to treat people as ends in themselves and never as a means to an end.

Be real and embrace this fail-safe method of engagement with people everywhere as it’s been around for thousands of years.


Coach Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life

Copyright 2020


“It’s not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.” - Batman

Be brave.


Be true to yourself and others.

Use your superpowers wisely.

Do your best.

Run fast.

Trust in yourself.

Be kind and respectful to others.

Fight for justice.

Fly high.


Be patient.

Don’t forget your cape and mask.

Do the right thing.

Play hard.

Your most important power is love.

Use it often.

Choose to be extraordinary. - Unknown

Above all utilize your greatest power of love as often as possible as one simple word or gesture has the ability to change someone’s life magically.

Today as I was walking in the neighborhood, I noticed that this elderly couple was struggling with a  slender container that looked like an old water softener. They were trying to place it curbside for disposal but it fell over into the road. 

On my way back, they were still at it. 

I asked them them if they needed help as it was obvious that their efforts were going nowhere. 

The husband said that he didn't need help but his wife replied with exasperation, "We could really use your help."

I did and they thanked me profusely. 

One word. 

One act of kindness. 

One of anything in a spirit of gratitude and expectation is your superpower.

Coach Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life

Copyright 2020